My Bloodline (Featherstone Academy Series Book 1) Read online
Page 10
Shadows on either side of me take a seat. Fuck whoever is sat on my right smells delicious, a gentle woodsy scent with a slightly sweet accent. I could definitely envelope myself in a shirt from this guy.
Looking in his direction, I stall when I notice it’s the last guy from Ace that I haven’t met yet. He gives me a small smile and faces forward. Glancing to my left, I can’t help the sigh that leaves my lips. There sits my favorite car buddy, with a scowl in place glaring daggers at me.
For fuck’s sake, can’t I catch a break for five minutes, please?
What names did the tutor say? Kai and Parker.
Well Parker is my current favorite Ace guy, I can’t help but look at him from the side. He has short curly brown hair, and I want to reach out and run my fingers through it. Dark eyebrows frame stunning hazel eyes, but my gaze is frozen on his full lips.
Not only has he got hot nerd vibes going for him, he didn’t open his mouth, and the small smile he blessed me with was pure. I admire him for a moment, then prepare for him to be an asshole, just like the rest of them.
That’s their new name, Aceholes.
Derek explains to the class that we will be completing an assessment this morning, to understand what we are capable of. With that he turns his back on us proceeding to play around with the gadgets upfront. Great talk sir, thanks ever so much.
I click start and proceed to fill in my personal details to begin the assessment, clicking through I hear a frustrated sigh from my right. Glancing over I see Parker is a little flustered, red in the face and his leg is bouncing.
What has him all worked up? I check Kai but he doesn’t seem to have noticed, so I lean closer to Parker.
“Hey, are you okay?”
I don’t know why I’m asking though, it’s nothing to do with me. He lifts his head back, looking at the ceiling, and takes another deep breath. I’m about to move back when he turns his gaze to me.
His eyes are captivating, I wouldn’t be able to look away even if he was gutting me with a knife. He holds my stare for a moment longer then slowly, he raises his hand to the monitor. I follow what he’s trying to show me, but the confusion is clear on my face. He’s still on the first page, entering his personal details, I don’t understand.
I look back to him, but his head is down and he looks defeated, so I look back at the monitor because I’m clearly missing something.
Scanning over his details again, I pay closer attention. There’s a red asterisk next to an answer box which is preventing the assessment from continuing, because he hasn’t filled it in. I look to see what details are required and it’s for his surname.
Why has he left it blank?
He’s clearly not missed it by accident otherwise he wouldn’t be so worked up over it, he’d have just filled it in and carried on. It doesn’t make any sense.
Pulling away from the screen I look back to Parker, this has really hit him, something so small to me and he looks beaten. He’s still looking down, and if he can feel my eyes on him he doesn’t react.
I gently place my fingers under his chin and raise his eyes to meet mine. What the fuck am I doing? Get off him Luna and get back to what you were doing.
I don’t like how sad he is, and I really can’t figure out why I give a shit.
Looking into his eyes he looks lost. I know that look, that feeling in the depth of your soul, like you don’t know where you belong, and you’re just sinking further and further into the abyss. Maybe that’s what’s pulling me towards him, making me want to take it away, because I know what it can do to you.
Keeping my hand under his chin, I lean in a little so I can keep my voice low.
“Talk to me, let me help you.”
He’s got to make the decision within himself to pull himself back up. He continues to stare at me. I can see he’s in there, and he’s searching my eyes like he’s looking for an answer.
I try to keep my facial expression open, moving my hand round to stroke his cheek and his jawline. Don’t fucking ask why, because I don’t know, I just know I don’t want to stop either.
It seems to have an effect, because his eyes crinkle for a moment, before he tenderly leans into my hand. I don’t speak, I just continue to look into his eyes and wait.
I feel locked in place, this moment right here is so raw, so real, so intimate.
It’s intoxicating.
I’m freaking out a little, but I can’t back away, we wouldn’t be any closer right now if we we’re having sex.
We’re peering at each other’s souls.
I shouldn’t let him see, I don’t let anyone ever see but there is nothing I can do about it.
It’s getting to much, why the hell does it feel like my heart is about to break out of my chest? He must see it on my face that I’m trying to force myself to move away, and that makes him finally talk.
“I don’t have a surname,” he barely whispers.
“How can you not have a surname? Especially in a place like this when it’s apparently all we stand for?”
He tentatively lifts his hand and places it over mine on his cheek, like he’s afraid what he’s about to say will make me move it.
“I have a strong bloodline, but I’m a bastard son, and bastards don’t usually attend here. My biological father didn’t produce any more children and requires an heir. That’s where I come in, but I don’t get the name until I prove myself,” he says softly.
What the hell? How am I even hearing this right now?
Parker must confuse the frown on my face and drops his eyes.
“I’m not frowning at you Parker, it’s your circumstances that are making me mad,” I say, encouraging him to look back up, and it works.
For some crazy reason I want to make this all better for him. He’s worse than Red, all under my skin without even trying.
“You want my surname? I’m here on three bloodlines and I’d be more than happy to sacrifice one,” I whisper.
I don’t think he was expecting me to say that with the shock on his face, and it makes me smile how innocent his face looks compared to the rest of his masculine appearance.
“I can’t do that,” he shakes his head.
“Okay, well when you usually give your name what do you do?” I ask.
“I just give Parker. If they don’t know about my situation already, Roman usually stares them down until they back off.”
By process of elimination I assume Roman is the asshole from the gym, after Red gave me the lowdown the other day. Seems he has a soft spot for this guy too, huh?
Considering our options here, I nod at him and remove my hand, feeling the loss instantly, but I push on to try and solve the situation. I lean over his keyboard and type, happy with myself I click continue and his name comes up in the top right corner. I look at him but he’s looking at the screen.
“Parker Parker?” He raises a questioning eyebrow at me. I smile and nod in response.
“Yeah, why not? You have to just be you Parker, fuck surnames and bloodlines. Besides, it has a nice ring to it.”
He smiles at me and I nod before returning to my screen, attempting to catch up on my assessment too, but I don’t miss Kai staring at me out of the corner of his eye. He clearly saw our interaction and it leaves me a little unnerved.
“Thank you Luna,” whispers Parker, but I just nod my head in response without looking away from the monitor, needing to break the hold he had over me.
I need to lie down. There must be something in the water here. Fucking with me.
Well it can fuck right off, thank you very much.
Time is finally called as the bell rings. I finished fifteen minutes ago, but I chose to stare at the monitor to avoid making eye contact with either of my table buddies.
I feel like I don’t know anything about myself at the moment, my mind and body are doing things completely out of character, and I’m drained trying to figure
myself out.
At least I made it through the assessment. It was based on knowledge, from data input to coding and understanding gadgets. I considered my skill level with tech and decided I wanted to downplay my abilities, choosing to get a few questions wrong or just leaving them blank on purpose. Seeing as the Head is after me I need to hold my cards as close to my chest as possible.
Grabbing my bag, I’m up and making my way across the room as quickly as possible, when I hear Parker.
“Luna, wait up,” he calls, but I carry on.
He’s messed with my brain enough for today. I head straight for my locker, making quick work of the finger recognition, and grabbing my suitcase. I climb into the lift with a few others, praying for it to start moving. With my current luck the doors are stopped by Parker, who is closely followed by Kai and who I believe to be Roman.
This is why I should always take the stairs.
Roman wasn’t in our class so why is he even up here?
“Hey, I was calling you,” says Parker, standing closer to me, making me look up to meet his eyes.
I don’t know what he wants me to say so I continue to stare, but I don’t need to say anything anyway.
“Everybody out,” shouts Roman.
Yes please, I make to get around Parker but I’m all out of luck.
“Not you Princess.” Roman says, stretching his arm out in front of me.
For fucks sake, I sigh but stay where I am. When everybody gets out it leaves me with Parker, Roman and Kai in the elevator. Roman waits until the doors shut and we’re moving before he suddenly smacks the stop button.
What the hell?
“So, who wants to catch me up to speed?” asks Roman.
The three of us just look around at each other. Not knowing what he wants, nobody says anything. He shakes his head at us and sighs heavily.
“Okay, I’ll be more specific. Parker, you wanna tell me why you’re chasing this girl down in front of everyone, when I specifically told you to stay away from her? We know nothing about this bitch Parker ...”
Parker's back straightens and his jaw tightens.
“That’s enough Roman,” he growls, his hands clenched at his side.
I’m stunned, like jaw on the floor, I didn’t think he had a growl in him.
Glancing around the elevator it seems I’m not the only one surprised by his outburst.
“The fuck Parker?” fumes Roman, but Parker doesn’t back down.
If anything, he’s moved slightly to block me from Roman’s view. This is getting out of hand and it's only going to get worse if I don’t calm the situation down.
I gently place my hand on Parker's arm to gain his attention.
“Hey, it’s okay. Don’t argue with your friends, he’s just trying to protect you, alright?” I calmly say, because as rude as Roman is, that’s what he’s trying to do, and I get it with Parker, and I barely know him.
I get the pull to want to protect him, even though it seems he doesn’t need it, so as much as Roman is a dick towards me I can’t fault his protective nature.
“No Luna, you don’t get it.”
He quickly glances my way before returning his stare to Roman.
“I had an episode, a bad one Roman, over the smallest of triggers, and Luna ... She helped me climb back out of the black hole okay? So, I get that you don’t know her, but I know enough, and you will not use your crude language towards her.” He grits through his teeth.
Crude language? Who is this guy?
Everyone seems frozen, I don’t think it’s my place to say anything just yet, so I take in the others. Roman looks like his brain is trying to process what Parker just said and Kai is looking up at the ceiling as if he’d rather be anywhere but here, me and you both buddy.
“It’s true Rome. We’ve been assigned seating together and I hadn’t even noticed anything was wrong until I caught sight of Luna leaning towards Parker.” Kai offers, pausing to look me over, before continuing to Roman.
“It was bad Rome, his leg was bouncing, his face was blotchy and he wasn’t responsive. I was trying to figure out how to intervene without drawing attention, but before I could do anything she had the color back in his eyes, and within minutes he was talking. Then just like that he carried on like nothing had happened,” he breathes out.
This has Parker nodding and Roman drilling holes into my head like whatever he wants to know will just pop out, sadly that wasn’t going to happen. He must decide that I’m not a current threat because he presses a button on the panel and we’re moving again. He steps closer to Parker and they talk quietly. As soon as we come to a stop and the doors open I’m out of there without a backwards glance.
I spot Red waving at me like a lunatic, and race over to her.
“Hey bestie, how was your first class?” she asks.
“It was fine Red, drama as always though. So, let’s get over to Business so I can avoid everyone.” I say, pulling her along to the other academic building.
“Will it make you feel any better to know there is a coffee shop in the Business building?” she smiles at me, and I move faster.
“Hurry the fuck up then! What the hell are you waiting for?”
She needs to lead with this stuff in the future, not my feelings and shit.
Luna storms out of the lift like her tail is on fire. Part of me wants to check she is okay, but I’ve got no chance of that right now with Roman checking me over.
Everything Kai said was true and I’m just as surprised as Roman. I remember lifting my arm to the screen and the next thing I know she’s stroking my cheek and I couldn’t get out of my head and to her quick enough.
It was strange for me. Sometimes it can take over an hour to come out of it and when I do I go into a slump that can last even longer than the episode. Yet she had me out and pushing through like it was nothing, but it was something, and the guys know it.
When the lift had started up again Roman started peppering me with gentle questions to make sure I was alright. Roman was normally the person who helped me out of the darkness so I’m sure he would baby me for the rest of the day.
Not that I’ll complain about it really, it makes me feel cared for, which is something I’ve missed out on in my life. These guys are my family and Ace is my new home, just a pity Wren is there because she really gets on my nerves.
Leaving the building, we make our way across to the other academic building for Business.
“Are you sure you’re okay? You can head back if you need too, we don’t need to fucking explain to them,” he grumbles.
It has definitely thrown him that I don’t seem like I’ve had an episode.
“Roman, I’m fine, honestly, and no I can’t explain any of it. Apart from the fact I had a meltdown over the surname error, like an idiot.”
I should be used to it by now after all these years, but apparently it’s a trigger.
“Hey, at least it had the hot new girl caressing you,” Kai says with a wink.
“What’s that about the new girl? Why is she touching someone that’s not me?” whines Oscar, as he joins us.
That earns him a clip around the head from Roman like usual.
“Shut the fuck up Oscar,” mumbles Roman.
He’s short tempered right now, seems he’s not happy with Luna, but he’s trying to process that she helped me, which leaves us with a grouchy Roman.
“Anything else happen in Tech?” Roman asks.
I didn’t notice anything, but Kai must have.
“Yeah, she purposely didn’t answer certain scenarios or clicked the wrong thing. I still believe her this morning, that she doesn’t know anything about her information being wiped, but she knows more than she answered on the assessment. Considering Dietrichson this morning though, I can guess why she would hold back her skills.”
Nobody says anything to that. Luna is an enigma. She doesn’t act like other girls here and she keeps herself closed off
so nobody can figure her out or get to close it seems, but it’s only been a few days.
When we enter Business, the room is quite big, with dark wooden tables that seat four scattered around. Magnolia walls and an old school chalkboard make me feel like we’ve stepped back in time.
I spot Luna with her friend, Jessica I believe is her name. She’s always been quiet and overlooked and never really fit in here. Looks like Luna is attracting all the strays apparently, and I’m enjoying being one of them so far.
She’s sat as far away from me as possible, over by the windows. I made sure I was sitting facing her direction, but with all the other bodies in here I can only see her face.
I can’t help but look over to Luna here and there, I can’t explain why she settles my soul like she does, I think it’s because she knows what I’m feeling. I saw it in her eyes, and she knows I did, and I can tell she doesn’t like it.
The class goes quickly with the tutor, Penny, flirting with Oscar the whole time and barely holding a lesson, I definitely didn’t learn anything here today.
Before we head over for lunch, everyone with Weapons this afternoon has to drop their gear off at the training center. We’re chauffeured over and I want to grab the car with Luna, but I think that’d upset Roman, so I climb in with him and see Kai get in with her. He better not grill her like this morning, not after she helped me, she doesn’t need his crap.
The lockers are top of the range here and a lot bigger, they’re practically mini versions of the vaults. They are fingerprint access, so once we’ve got it set up and have stored our things, we are on our way for food. Thank god because I’m starving. Out at the cars Oscar tries to push Kai out of the way to climb in with Luna, but Kai shoves him back.
Huh. I didn’t think he’d bother, but I guess it’s Luna or Wren and I know who I’d choose.
Walking into the cafeteria, I can’t help but let my eyes follow Luna.
I think I’m a lost puppy.
Joining the guys at the order station I notice I’m not the only one tracking her. Of course Oscar is, but even Kai and Roman. She takes a seat with her friend, near the full-length windows and I glance where we’re expected to sit with Wren in the middle.