My Bloodline (Featherstone Academy Series Book 1) Page 17
“No, not yet, is it good?”
He just hummed with a grin on his face. His fingertips stroked my hand on the arm rest between us.
Huh, this is new.
Yet I couldn’t bring myself to move my hand away. I look from where he’s touching me to his face, and I see the question there, whether he’s going too far or not. I offer a small smile in return, which has him continuing.
“Did you know, a Dirty Kai is a couple who sixty-nine each other's toes?” He asks, trying to keep a straight face, and I can’t help but chuckle.
“You think that one's funny?”
He pulls a packet of Doritos out of nowhere.
“A Dirty Luna is when you give a hand job for a bag of these bad boys,” he says with a smirk, and I just laugh harder.
“These are brilliant, any other good one’s?”
“Roman’s was a dick sword fight and Parkers had Oscar jealous, because his own was gross.”
“Why?” I ask, caught in the magic of his words.
“A Dirty Parker is the act of splitting a girl in half with a huge cock,” he grins.
I could do with a Dirty Parker right now, and the look on Kai’s face tells me he knows where my head just went.
I don’t know what’s going on here, with any of the guys, but there is a connection that I just can’t deny. None of them have complained I fucked Roman, but it’s probably because they do things like this, stroke my hand or kiss my head, which can be just as intimate and leave me grasping for control.
Red just laughs, especially because she isn’t used to seeing them be gentle either. Roman continued to train her this week whilst I’ve not been able too. I’m glad they’re taking care of her, she comes more out of her shell around them every day, and even though our circumstances are difficult I see the happiness on her face that she’s not alone anymore.
We pull up outside the Business building, and as much as I could sit here and let him draw gentle patterns on my skin all day, we head out. Stepping out of the car I have to take a minute to compose myself, putting the walls back up he just melted away. My mind doesn’t fully trust them yet, but it seems my soul does, and it’s a constant battle internally, which usually leaves me on edge.
Heading towards Red and the other guys I notice all the tutors are standing around and it looks like they’re organizing documents. I’m not sure what’s going on, so I ask the group. Everyone, including Red, looks to Roman to answer, which doesn’t sit well with me, because that means he’s the only one with the balls to tell me.
Releasing a sigh, I prepare myself for what’s about to come out of his mouth. When even he doesn’t know how to say it, I start to get frustrated and raise an eyebrow in question.
“Fuck, okay. I didn’t realize it would be today, otherwise I’d have given you a heads up, but it looks like they’re going to be handing out tasks,” he says quickly.
The confusion is clear on my face because I have no clue what he’s talking about.
“Shit, they’re going to give us a different type of assignment. One’s which match our bloodlines.”
“You mean they’re going to be handing out criminal activity assignments?” I’m surprised, but deep down I know I shouldn’t be. As much as we’d been learning about this world, it was only a matter of time before we were expected to begin being more active in our roles. Just over two weeks in, and they’re already throwing it at us.
“Yeah, pretty much,” Roman responds quietly, rubbing the back of his neck.
Before I can ask anything else, a tapping of a microphone gains everyone’s attention.
Just like on our first day Barbette Dietrichson stands at the top of the steps waiting to address us.
“Good morning students, I’m sure you’re all thrilled about your next assignments. I remember this day when I attended Featherstone as a pupil, and the excitement I felt when I was able to finally contribute to the greater organization. It still lingers with me to this day.”
Fuck, she sure loves the sound of her own voice.
“We’ve decided to spice it up a little this year and instead of giving you set tasks we’re going to give you the chance to choose, a little like Russian Roulette if you please.”
How fitting.
“We will present to you three envelopes, two of which represent tasks based on your expected skill set and the third is ... a wild card shall we say,” she chuckles, but it’s sinister and has everyone on edge. I can feel the tension rolling off everyone.
“You will pick an envelope for your main bloodline and if both of your parents attended, you’ll pick a second. The wild card is the same for everyone. If you happen to choose that envelope, you will participate in that assignment all at once. Understood?”
She looks around then claps her hands.
“Fantastic lets begin, there are six tables set around, one for each block. Please, let’s begin.”
I look to Red who squeezes my arm and sets off to find the Diamond area, I wish she wasn’t on her own.
“Oh Ace’s, if you’d like to come up here, I’ll be assigning you personally,” she calls gleefully, but it’s so fake, and it feels like a trap.
Wren is standing at the front waiting and the guys line up behind her, with me trailing at the back. It’s crazy how Ace is so small in student numbers but holds the most power. I feel my phone buzzing in my bag and sneak a glance, a message has just come through.
West: Avoid the middle envelopes, they’re the wild cards.
I don’t respond, there isn’t time if I want to pass it onto the other. I quickly fire a text to Red, hopeful she will get it in time, then pat Oscar on the back frantically.
Once I have his attention I lean in and whisper.
“Not the middle envelope, tell the others, quickly.”
He searches my eyes a second then passes the message on. I see it reach Roman just as Wren begins choosing hers. He looks at me and I can only nod. Let’s hope this wasn’t a shit game of Telephone.
Wren takes two envelopes, from the outside. Ahh, so her mother doesn’t want her taking part in the wild card. Which has me consider the fact that if she represents her mother’s bloodline, who was her father? It soon leaves my mind as I watch Roman step up to choose his. He takes the two from the outside and moves along, thank god. I watch Parker reach for one when Dietrichson intervenes.
“Oh Parker, your father has asked for you to take two, you know, to prove your worth.”
Fucking bitch.
I can’t control the growl that leave’s my throat. Parker looks to Roman who nods, and he picks another. I watch as she switches the envelopes around and I panic. Luckily, Parker caught the move too and picks the right envelope.
I’ll kill her. I swear to god.
Parker quickly moves away from her and I know she’s just dampened his mood. Kai takes one, and Oscar pulls the two from the outside like Roman.
That just leaves me. I hate being this close to her, especially when I’m mad because I really want to strangle her. She holds the three envelopes out as she did the others and I go to take the two ends, when she pulls them back.
“How silly of me, if you think you can attend this prestigious Academy representing three bloodlines, it would only be fitting for you to take all three, don’t you think?”
She tries to thrust them all at me, but I step back a little and glance around trying to remain calm. I hear someone swear, and I lock eyes with West who gives a slight nod. I can’t get out of this. I have no choice but to accept them, but the wild card can’t be good.
I’m not prepared for anything that lays inside these envelopes, but I refuse to let her see that. Placing a sickly sweet smile on my face I hold my hands out.
“Of course, I would be honored to complete the THREE assignments for the bloodlines I represent, thank you for giving me the opportunity,” I say, grabbing them out of her hands. I hold her stare as I place them in my handbag, offering her a wink before slowly stepping back. Leaving h
er stunned in silence.
That makes a change.
I don’t want to open them near her. I refuse to give her the satisfaction of seeing my response. So I make my way to Red.
“You okay?” I ask her, seeing the frustration in her eyes.
“Yeah, it’s something I’m completely capable of, I just hate being a pawn for these criminals,” she responds, holding out her card.
Featherstone Academy
With your skillset we would like to offer you the opportunity to:
Create gas explosives
We want two dozen
You have six weeks to complete
Failure to complete is not an option
Good Luck
What the hell? I look at her.
“This is why you take Science, huh?” I say waggling my eyebrows at her, trying to ease her tension. She nods and her cheeks turn red.
“Red, are you blushing?”
I can’t help but tease her, and it has her grinning back and smacking my arm.
“Hey, if this is what you have to do to survive then we make it work, okay?” I say wrapping my arm around her shoulders.
I feel the guys approach, all of them frowning, which must be because of their assignments. Before anyone can say anything, Dietrichson’s at it again.
“I’m sure you’ll all need some time to consider what you have been assigned, and with that in mind Business is cancelled this morning, for you to begin organizing what has been asked of you. All other classes for the day will continue. On a final note, I want to make it very clear that failure to complete your assignments will mean you are no longer able to attend Featherstone Academy.”
She surveys the crowd before continuing, hoping a pause will build anticipation. “You won’t ever leave these grounds, if you catch my meaning.” With that she walks straight to a waiting car and leaves.
Did she really just tell everyone if we didn’t complete our tasks, we’re as good as dead? Fuck. If we were unsure how dark this world would get, she just told us. If we’re no use to Featherstone, we’re no use at all.
Looking around our small group, I sigh.
“I’d rather not read these so publicly, so I’m going to take a car, read it on the drive and grab a coffee.”
“I’ll meet you there, if that’s ok?” Red asks and I just give her a nod.
I’m too focused on what my assignments will be.
Stepping into the closest Rolls, Kai follows. I raise my eyebrow at him, and he just shrugs his shoulders.
“We all know I have a calming effect on you, and I think you’re going to need it Sakura,” he says quietly.
I don’t respond. When the car starts moving, I begin opening the envelopes burning holes in my bag.
Featherstone Academy
With your skillset we would like to offer you the opportunity to:
Acquire the blueprints for DCM Tech Headquarters
We expect all of them
You have six weeks to complete
Failure to complete is not an option
Good Luck
Fuck. This has Moon and Steele written all over it. This I can deal with. Opening the second a picture of a man also falls out too.
Featherstone Academy
With your skillset we would like to offer you the opportunity to:
Secure Special Agent Dominic Bridge on our payroll
By any means necessary
You have six weeks to complete
Failure to complete is not an option
Good Luck
What the hell? Any means necessary? At least that doesn’t mean death if they want him on the payroll. This sounds like a Hindman skill set. Preparing myself I open the last envelope, the one I know is the wild card.
Featherstone Academy
We would like to give you the opportunity to TRIAL a brand-new segment of The Games amongst your fellow students
You are hereby called to participate in The Pyramid
You will be advised at least two hours ahead of commencement when we see fit
Failure or survival is the game
Good Luck
I re-read it a few times and I can’t seem to figure it out. What the fuck is The Pyramid? I was unsure if I was going to show the others my assignments, but I think I’ll need to with this one. I sink back into my seat massaging my temples, feeling Kai glancing at me from the corner of his eye.
I know I need to give this my all now. There’s no option anymore, to blend in like Rafe asked me to, that much is clear. I need to learn everything I can because I need to if I want to survive.
And I will survive.
“Hey Luna, is everything okay?” Rafe answers the phone, echoing around the kitchen on speaker phone.
“Well, have you spoken to West at all? They handed out assignments today,” I ask, swirling an empty glass on the kitchen table, it’s oddly relaxing.
There’s a pause before he answers.
“I had a missed call from him earlier, but I haven’t had a chance to respond.” He goes quiet. “How bad is it?”
I recap the whole ‘spice things up’ shit, and the fact that I had to take all three envelopes even after West’s warning text.
“What the fuck is going on? You’re only supposed to be given one for the time being, and another one next month if required, but three? Talk me through them,” he grunts.
So I do, word for word I read each card out in the order of which I read them myself. The first I’m confident with, I’ve stolen documents and intel before, I just need to start doing the prep work for it.
The second card, forcing someone into this world doesn’t sit well with my heart, but I can’t fail if the result at the end is my death. I explain the third card.
“The last Rafe, the wild card, has me for a loop. It’s so vague I’m on edge,” I sigh, resting my head in my hands.
“Tell me.”
“Okay, it reads, we would like to give you the opportunity to trial a new segment of The Games amongst your fellow students. You are hereby called to participate in The Pyramid. You will be given at least two hours’ notice prior to commencement when we see fit. Failure or survival is the game, good luck.”
I wait for him to say something because I don’t know what to even say. He’s quiet for so long, I start to wonder if we’ve lost connection when he suddenly thunders.
“Are you fucking telling me, that they plan to force you to take part in a new segment of The Games? Before the actual games? This is a joke, it fucking must be. I know people have participated in trials before, but out of choice not force. I have no idea what The Pyramid is. Press whatever buttons on your phone to get West on here as well Luna. Right. Now.” He grits out.
I fumble with the buttons, and West’s voice breaks through the phone.
“Hey, I tried to call after the assignments, but you mustn’t have gone home,” he says casually.
“This isn’t my fucking home West,” I say, picking at the most ridiculous of things.
Whilst Rafe yells, “Did you know anything about this West? Because if you did and didn’t give me a heads up I’m going to beat the shit out of you, do you hear me?”
Fuck, I thought I’d heard Rafe mad before, but I was definitely wrong, if this is anything to go by.
“Rafe, calm down, I don’t know what you’re talking about,” West defends.
“The fucking assignments, did you know what the wild card was?”
“No, I just knew whatever the wild card was, made Dietrichson smile. So I knew it couldn’t be good, how bad is it?”
“Bad enough for Featherstone to be trialing a new fucking segment of The Games on whoever picked the fucking card.” Rafe spits out.
I feel like I should just end the call, let them yell at each other.
“What? They can’t do that. Can they?” West asks.
“You fucking tell me. Luna
can you take a photo of each of them and send them to me, use your own laptop so it can’t be traced ok? Then I can forward it on.”
“Yeah sure. What am I supposed to do with all of this Rafe?”
His sigh is heavy down the phone.
“For now, focus on the first two cards while we look into the third, hopefully we’ll have answers before they spring it on you.”
“Okay.” I don’t know what else to say.
“Luna, we’ll figure it out, just make sure you take it easy whilst you’re still recovering alright?” Rafe says, which just has me rolling my eyes.
“Alright, keep me updated on what you find out though, okay? I need to know as soon as you guys do. Remember, no secrets.”
“I swear Luna, send me the photos.” With that Rafe hangs up.
“I’m sorry Luna, I didn’t know,” West says quietly.
“it’s okay, it’s not your fault,” I pacify, but I really don’t have the effort for this.
“I better go send these photos over before he’s calling me back.”
“Yeah, of course. If you need me, call okay?”
I hum in response and end the call, staring at the phone like answers are about to pop out of it. I make quick work of getting the pictures over, the quicker I can start the process, hopefully, the quicker we get answers.
I decide to take my mind off everything by tattooing flowers into grapefruits from the fridge, because I’m cool like that. I need to ask Rafe to sort out some pig skin for me. I’ve tattooed people already, but I love how therapeutic it can be, and that will give me a bigger surface.
I’m completely zoned out when I hear a knock of the door. Unsure who it might be I put all my stuff away before I answer. Checking the security system on my phone, I see it’s Red. That’s me not practicing anymore. Although, her company is worth it.
“No bitches allowed,” I yell through the door.
I see her giggle and stick her finger up at the peephole. Shit, my girl grew some balls. I love it. Swinging the door open I pop my hip, all attitude.
“You touch your mamma with them fingers?” I ask, putting on a bad attempt of a southern accent.
She hip checks me and saunters in, anyone else would be thrown to the floor, but it just makes me laugh.