My Bloodline (Featherstone Academy Series Book 1) Page 19
Instead it’s Parker that slams his chair back and plants his fists on the table.
“Fuck off Wren, now. I’ve heard enough of your shit,” he’s practically spitting, and she just cackles in his face.
“So, who’s is she then? Because we all know she’s not yours Parker. You like dick too much for that don’t you?”
He can like whatever the fuck he wants, and she should not be calling him out in front of everyone like that. I’m ready to get involved now, not for myself but for Parker, but his menacing snicker has me glued to my seat.
“Wren don’t kid yourself, I’m Bi. I was just never interested in your pussy and fake tits, don’t confuse the two.”
A few people can’t contain their chuckles at his dig, including Red beside me, who has to cup a hand over her mouth.
“Whatever, I’d never let a guy inside me who actually let someone tattoo the word minge on him anyways,” she sneers.
Nobody responds because she’s a petty bitch trying to embarrass Parker, and she’s not liking that it doesn’t have the effect she wants.
Glancing at Parker I can tell he’s not fazed by what she’s said, but there is a little worry in his eyes when he meets my gaze, like any of it would send me running for the hills. I offer him a wink in reassurance, as Wren walks in my direction.
I can’t control my own petty bitch, as I kick my bag out from under the table. She trips over it and the room breaks out in laughter. By the time she’s got back to her feet, I’m back to playing on my phone, pretending I’m unaware of the situation.
“You fucking bitch,” she screeches, just as Penny walks in.
“Wren please take your seat, you’re wasting time.”
With a final sneer at me, she storms off. I can almost see smoke coming out of her ears. Oscar sends me a wink like that was hot shit, but I don’t take him on. Instead I’m processing what she just spilled about Parker. Bi. That’s hot, I’m not afraid to admit I love me some man on man action. Please tell me with at least one of the other guys because that’s gonna make my day. How do I ask to watch? Is that rude? I need it to not be.
Shaking my head to stop myself getting carried away in my sex induced mind, I consider what else she said. Who the hell tattooed my Parker with the word minge?
I need to fix it.
Last lesson is History, so I have a chance to chat with Parker. I’ll wait till after class, because as open as he was happy to be in Business earlier, I don’t like the thought of pushing him again. I’ve already told Red I’m busy after classes and she just smirked at me like she thought I was going to get it on with four sexy men, not today, sadly.
Gina walks in and the door is locked behind her, as always.
“Good afternoon class, we’ll start off with a few of you telling us what new things you’ve been learning about your bloodline, then we’ll get on to the projector.”
She calls a few names out and they tell her random facts, all of no significance. It’s as if the families are trying to give as little away as possible. I asked Rafe for some information, and he told me it was best to stick to my mother's family for the time being. Seeing as they weren’t Ace level, the information would be softer.
“Luna Steele please,” she says, but doesn’t look at me.
“I learned that my mother Veronica Hindman, infiltrated a well-known company and embezzled over a million pounds in a two-week period.” I respond blandly.
She nods with her head still down, continuing through her list of names.
“Jessica Watson.”
Red’s back straightens instantly.
“Err, yes. I learnt that my father created the toxic chambers for The Games,” she sounds queasy as she says it, but she pushes through.
There are a few gasps around the room, and I’m not sure if one came from me. What’s the toxic chambers? I won’t ask her though, I’ll find out from someone else.
The rest of the class is spent watching another film about life before 2008. They talk like it was long ago, not the twelve years that it’s been.
I make sure Red is ok, before she gets into her SUV. There’s only one guy in our History class that’s also a Diamond, and he’s already seated waiting for her. She seems ok, just a little ruffled having to openly say what her father has done for Featherstone.
I climb into the Rolls and kick off my heels, they’re always the worst on the days I’ve had combat. Before I have chance to protest, Parker is lifting my feet into his lap and forcing me to turn sideways in my seat. His thumbs go straight to the ache and the pressure is pure bliss, I can’t contain the moan that escapes.
“God Parker, that feels so good,” I groan, with my eyes closed.
“Hmm, I’m glad you think so, but I need you to contain those moans for me, okay?” He says, while gripping tighter. This has me biting my lip as hard as I can, because staying quiet is not easy.
“In future, when I offer a foot massage, I’m going to bring headphones and look out of the window because you’re killing me,” he groans.
I force my eyes open and take him in. The lust in his gaze and his rapid breathing make him even sexier, and it turns me on.
I can’t let this progress, yet, not before I have the chat I want. He must see something switch in my eyes.
“You want to talk about what Wren said, huh?” He doesn’t look mad, so I slowly nod my head.
“Okay, do you mind if I grab a quick shower, then I’ll head up?”
I want to offer for him to shower in my room, but I don’t. I think he needs a minute to himself and it’ll help clear my head too.
“Yeah, of course. Want to order food too?”
My heart pounds a little, the last time I was alone with one of them was Roman, but that feels almost circumstantial. This time I want to talk and understand him a little more, and I want to help.
“Only if it's pizza,” he grins as the car pulls up outside of Ace.
I slip my heels back on and we walk in together. I head for the stairs, but he steers me to the elevator. He must feel my shoulders tense because he’s instantly soothing me.
“I got you Luna.”
He fucking better, he’s slowly making trust in him. He takes the elevator up to my floor with me before he heads back down.
While he’s not here I jump in the shower too, changing into a pair of leggings and a khaki green off the shoulder top. Throwing my hair up in a bun, I wipe all my make-up off and feel instantly relaxed. Hopeful that I can tempt him. I pull out my ink kit but leave it in my bedroom.
A knock on the door has me checking the camera feed, it’s Parker. I wipe my hands on my leggings nervously and open the door. The feed did him no justice. He’s dressed in a pair of fitted grey joggers with a simple plain white tee, and his curly hair is still damp. He’s a wet fucking dream.
I’m not sure if I’m drooling or not, but he steers me inside and shuts the door with a mischievous grin on his face. Lifting my jaw off the floor, I whack him on the chest and head for the lounge.
“I’m starving Luna, what pizza do you want?”
“Meat feast, please.”
“I think I like you most based on your pizza choices,” he says with a wink as he calls it in.
What is it with these sweet ones getting all sure of themselves? Between him and Red I feel well and truly conned.
I hold up a bottle of water and some iced tea hinting for him to choose, and he nods at the iced tea. I pour us both a glass and get comfortable on the sofa, pressing a few buttons on the sound system and Imagine Dragons – Evolve Album comes through the speakers. This is my artistic go-to, the beat thumps through my veins and I love it.
“So you want to talk about me being bisexual, huh?” he says as he sits next to me, shaking his fingers through his hair.
The confusion on my face reflects back at me from Parker’s.
“Err, I mean we can. I do have questions if you’
re open to answer them, but my main focus right now is the other thing Wren mentioned,” I say, lifting my legs under me so I can turn and face him better.
“So you’re not upset about my sexuality?” he asks, tilting his head at me.
“Fuck no, if anything it’s a turn on, but you’re distracting me from the point,” I fake glare.
The grin on his face is part appreciation, part predator. Seeing it on Parker’s face has me melting. This guy. There is so much I don’t know, but I can’t help but want to find out. I point at him sternly and he sighs, but relaxes back into the cushions.
“I didn’t think that tattoo would be an issue for you.”
“Issue? When did I say it was an issue?” I can’t help the scowl on my face and the defensive tone, but maybe he needs to not assume he knows everything.
“Then I’m confused why you want to talk about it.” I can feel him getting defensive too. This really isn’t going how I wanted.
“Do you want to tell me the story behind it?” I ask cautiously.
“It’s not really a big deal. When my father’s men found me, a part of my process was for them to mark me, and they thought it would be funny to print the word minge instead. I was barely fourteen and I’d lived a sheltered life before, so I didn’t really understand at the time. Since then, I’ve had the crosses on my fingers done but no one has been willing to cover up my arm.”
Wow. That’s not what I was expecting the story to be. What vile men. It’s not like Wren said at all, but it shouldn’t surprise me that Parker never told her the truth. Yet he told me, and that means something to me.
Before I can ask anything else there’s a knock. I let Parker answer it as I checked the monitor on my phone, as much as I’m trying with the guys I don’t want them to know about this. This is my security from everyone.
The greasy smell that fills the air has my tummy growling, and I snatch a box from Parker. Luckily it's my meat feast, otherwise I’d have to apologize or something. Instead I smile wide at him, making him shake his head.
We eat with just the music in the background for a little while, happy to enjoy each other’s company and the good food. When I’m done, I place my box on the coffee table and anxiously look at Parker.
“Can I show you something?” I ask.
Happy to go along he nods, and I run to grab everything I pulled out earlier. I can tell he’s slightly confused with what’s going on, but sits quietly waiting for me to wheel my setup over.
“Right okay, I know I don’t really talk about anything prior to being here, except that I had no choice, but I was never going to college. I’d already chosen my career path for as long as I can remember, it just took a long time to get Rafe to agree.”
I pause.
“Sorry I’m rambling. You can say no, that is completely fine, but I just wanted to offer.”
Why am I so nervous? I know I can do this for him.
“You’re still not telling me what you’re offering Luna,” he smirks.
“Right, I’ve been a trainee tattoo artist for the past two years,” I rush out.
The shocked look on his face makes it clear I just talked a lot of shit, and he had no idea what I was getting at. I sink my head into my hands. What an idiot. Forget it.
“You know what, forget I said anything okay.” I stand to wheel everything back, but Parker grasps my wrist gently.
“Are you serious?” he asks quietly, like he can’t believe what I’m offering.
I simply nod, which has him pulling me closer to stand in between his legs. He holds my waist tight and rests his head against my stomach. I don’t know what I’m supposed to do, but I think he needs a minute. Wanting to convey that I’m here for him I gently rub his shoulders, but then my hands are itching to run through his curls.
Tilting his head back, he rests his chin against my stomach and stares up at me. He looks so vulnerable right now and I can’t look away.
“Please Luna, make it go away,” he murmurs.
Without saying a word, I pull everything over and meticulously clean and prep like my life depends on it. He sits quietly, looking through the portfolio I hand him. When I’m sure everything is perfect I look at him.
“Have you decided what you want to go for?”
He nods and takes his top off revealing small lettering on his right bicep. I’m trying really hard to not get lost in those abs he’s been hiding, and focus on the job at hand.
“I can’t believe these are all your work Luna, they’re amazing,” he praises.
“Thank you,” I breathe in response.
I’ve never been good at compliments.
Bringing the portfolio over he turns it round and points dead center, to an intricate feather, with Aztec detailing and strength scribbled in the spine. I feel like I can’t breathe.
“I drew this, but I didn’t actually do the tattooing,” I mutter.
“That’s okay, I just know this is the one I want,” he says, determined.
Lifting my t-shirt I show him high up on my ribs, always hidden by my sports bra at a minimum. He looks at what I’m showing him, then meets my eyes.
“Even better,” he says as he leans in to give me a lingering kiss, not long enough though because he’s soon stepping back.
“Let’s get to it then angel, I’ve always wanted a matching tattoo with someone.”
I’m so ready to get to Weaponry this morning, because West has promised me the keys to Dot today. I’m Red’s level of giddy and I can’t help it. Ready to go, I’m surprised to see the guys hovering outside of my door when I open it.
“Err, good morning, everything okay?” I ask, eyeing them all.
“Yeah, apparently Parker wanted to show us all something this morning. Which includes you, and he didn’t want to do it downstairs. So, here we are,” Kai answers.
God I clearly need to clear out some private time for myself, because these guys have got me all hot just from standing near me.
“Good morning angel,” Parker says as he kisses me on the side of my head.
My eyes close instinctively embracing the touch. When I finally remember to open my eyes it’s to a knowing grin on Roman’s face. Acehole. Parker takes off his jacket and hands it off to Oscar, proceeding to undo his shirt buttons.
“I didn’t realize we were about to get sexual in public,” Oscar jokes.
Which reminds me, we didn’t get a chance to discuss the questions I have about Parker’s sexuality last night.
Like if I can watch or not?
Parker must think the same because he sends me a cheeky wink. Seriously who is this guy? Next thing I know he’ll be as cocky as Oscar, and I can barely handle one of him.
“Fuck off O’Shay,” calls Parker, as he reveals his new tattoo.
I take in my work, beyond pleased with myself. While mine is horizontal, Parkers is more diagonal to make sure I could cover that cringy word. If you look hard enough you’ll still see it slightly, but that was always going to be the case without lasering it off first.
The guys around me are all silent. Jaws to the floor, staring at his arm like it’s a brand new one. Kai is the first to move, resting his hand on Parker’s other arm.
“Parker, I’m pleased for you my friend.” A man of few words as ever.
Oscar’s next in line jumping on Parker's back.
“Woo hoo, my boy is winning at life right now,” he laughs.
Before getting shoved aside by Roman. Roman stares at his arm up close for what seems like forever. When he lifts his gaze to meet Parkers, there is a lot of emotion there for his friend. They all know how important this clearly was to him, but Roman feels it for him the most.
“This is real right? No jokes,” Roman whispers to Parker.
I feel like I’m watching a private moment, not meant for us to see, but the others aren’t fazed.
“It’s real, had it done last night.”<
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Roman rests his forehead against Parkers and cups his cheek.
“You fucking deserve this. Do you understand? This is you taking a part of yourself back. This is a reminder to you, that they can’t take everything, okay?”
Wow. His words hit me deep. This clearly meant more to them than just covering a crappy word up. Parker nods in response with a smile on his face and a single tear trickles down his cheek. I think my tear ducts are about to burst, but I contain myself because this isn’t about me. The fact that something I did has given this level of happiness for Parker, will warm my soul forever.
Roman returns Parker's smile before placing a delicate kiss on his lips. Nothing more, but the connection between them is real. Eyes closed and embracing each other. How are all small touches with Parker so intimate? I’m burning up watching them.
“Parker, who did you even convince to do this?” Roman asks, as he steps back so Parker can get his shirt back on.
Parker doesn’t respond, he just looks straight at me. The gratitude in his stare has me unable to move. It takes a moment before the guys realize what he’s saying without using his words.
“Holy shit baby girl, you did this?” screeches Oscar, pulling me from Parkers stare.
I can only nod in response. All the emotions around me have me stumbling for words. Kai kisses my forehead lightly in thanks for his friend, while Oscar continues.
“Baby girl, can I have one next? Pretty please, ice cream sundae with my dick on top?”
I can’t help but laugh at him as he breaks the heaviness around us.
“Sure thing, just let me get a start on these assignments, okay?”
“Whatever you say baby girl. I just want your hands on me, have you ever tattooed a cock before? I’m open to being your first try,” he grins, while he ducks down, knowing a swing from Roman is coming, and the whole thing just makes me laugh.
Glancing at the time we need to get moving.
“Not to break up the party, but I really need to get to Weaponry.”
No one disagrees and we make our way down. As soon as we step into the lobby Wren’s scowl is there to greet us, along with her bitch friends. Oscar throws his arm around me and steers us around them.