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My Bloodline (Featherstone Academy Series Book 1) Read online

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  Fuck, I’m getting distracted. I move quickly to catch up with him but as I step outside the box is slapped into my chest and I grapple to keep a hold of it.

  “I’m not your keeper, get your shit and figure it out asap ‘cos no one’s going to save you here.” With that he’s gone.

  I look around spotting a bench, amongst the trees. I need to figure out where I’m going to be staying so I can figure it all out in peace, without any of these whack jobs catching me off guard.

  Sitting, I look inside the box, everything has been organized into specific envelopes. Flicking through I find the slip marked Dorm Key: Ace Block, Room Two.

  Okay, finding the map layout underneath, I figure out where I need to go.

  I’m at The Hall. Right from here would take me towards the academic buildings. The path in front of me leads to the center where Rafe mentioned the shops would be, so I need to go left for the dorms.

  Closing the lid, I make my way to the left down a long path, flowers and shrubs line the edge. It is surprisingly peaceful here, but that might be because I’ve only seen maintenance staff so far.

  Seeing the six buildings come into view, I know I’m in the right place.

  Each building is completely different, all the same size but they range from run down to modern penthouse buildings. Some are covered in graffiti and have mud splatters up the sides. Others aren’t as bad, but compared to the block at the end they could do with a lick of paint. They were once painted white, I think, but those days are gone.

  Why is that?

  Looking for the sign for Ace block I realize it’s the grandest building of them all. Four stories high, like the others, but there is so much glass I’m not sure there is even any walls. It’s ridiculously modern with a water feature outside of it too.

  This is flashy, I mean I have money and I’ve never worried about anything, but I’m not a show-off and all this does is scream, look at me!

  Heading in that direction, I notice a few people milling around, nobody is causing a scene. You can feel the tension, it’s suffocating like everyone is on edge just waiting for something to happen.

  One thing I do notice is no one is alone, everyone is in groups of at least two. There are bigger masses of people, I’m pretty sure they’re more of a gang and you can see who the leaders are instantly.

  Especially the group coming up to my right, lounging around a large table. There are maybe ten of them? I’m not willing to count right now, but they are the most relaxed. As if the tension in everyone else stems from that table.

  I don’t want to make myself a target before I’ve even made it to my room, so I power on forward avoiding eye contact with everyone.

  As I near the water feature I hear people nearby begin to murmur and I know it involves me. Like Rafe said, I’m new here, I’m going to stick out like a sore thumb, and I can feel the target it has put on my back already.

  Trying to stay focused on the entry to the building I sense I’m being surrounded, I don’t want to show my hand just yet. If I’ve learned anything, it's to let them think they’re making the first move.

  I hear a chair scrape across the concrete floor, as I walk past the big group.

  “Excuse me,” some girl's high-pitched voice comes from behind me.

  I know she’s talking to me, but I don’t answer her. I just carry on walking.

  “Hey, your ears broke? You’re being spoken to,” a guy says, still behind me but not as close as the girl.

  Seems either way this is going to shit, and I won’t make it to my room before that happens. I’d just like to catch a five-minute break today, like I’ve not already been handed enough.

  Assessing the situation, I decide it’s best to address this here, so I don’t look weak in front of so many people. Stopping, I straighten my posture and turn, looking the girl straight in the eyes.

  From what I can see she’s slightly shorter than me by an inch or two, blonde hair straightened down her back, heavy eye make-up that looks like cement, and a dress so revealing if I crouched I’d definitely see her kittycat.

  I don’t look to anyone else yet, focusing just on her. Giving her the attention she wanted but I won’t speak to acknowledge her yet. I continue to stare her down whilst she gives me the once over, she mustn’t like what she sees based on the sneer on her lips.

  “Care to explain who you are?”

  Everyone in the vicinity has stopped what they’re doing, that tells me she’s a top dog around here, because everyone is listening and the tension has risen, if that was even possible.

  She’s looking at me like I should be kneeling in her presence, she’ll be waiting some time for that.

  I tilt my head and keep my voice bored.


  My inner bitch loves popping the ‘p’, but it seems my new friend does not appreciate my sass.

  People are definitely staring now, if the gasps are anything to go by, seems nobody stands up to this girl. Noted, but I couldn’t give a shit.

  I continue to look her in the eye. As much as I don’t want to talk to this girl, I also don’t want to give her my back.

  “You’re clearly new around here so let me catch you up real quick,” she smirks.

  “I’m Wren Dietrichson and I run this Academy. You were a nobody before you got here and you sure as shit don’t have what it takes to survive. So there is no way you are walking towards the Ace honey, it isn’t for you. Why don’t you run along back to the Joker Block before I show you what we’re made of at the top.”

  Dietrichson? So, she’s related to the Head, fuck me like we needed two of them. The group she was sat with chuckle to my left, seems they’re all Ace material, from their matching vibes.

  Looking around, no one can come at me from the right with the water feature there, no one’s behind this bitch, her friends are to my left and I can’t sense anyone behind me. She’s not going to like that I am actually in Ace, so I need to be ready for this to go further south without losing my I.D. box.

  “I’m sorry to disappoint you Wendy, but my key says Ace Block, so if you’re finished...” I hold the rest of the sentence trying to act indifferent, but I can’t help but get her name wrong, sometimes I just can’t control my inner bitch.

  “It’s fucking Wren, you stupid whore. I’m going to enjoy showing you how things go around here.”

  The words have barely left her mouth and she’s already moving towards me, as soon as she gets within arm’s length she goes to grip my hair. Damn, I haven’t got time for a bitch fight. I drop my I.D. box at my feet and knock her arms to the right, as she stumbles in that direction I push to encourage her fall. With a splash she falls over the side of the water feature.

  Fucking. Epic.

  The water is only about knee deep but she’s floundering like she’s going to drown. I mean I could hold her under if she wanted but I don’t think I need to go any further right now. She’s screaming bloody murder and people surrounding us are either stunned in shock or laughing, but nobody is actually helping her out.

  It’s notable that the ones laughing are the group she was sitting at the huge table with.

  “You’re fucking dead, you hear me? I’m gonna slaughter you, make you wish you’d never been born,” she splutters around her frantic coughing.

  Seeing as she’s so occupied, I take this as my cue to get the hell out of here. I look down to get my I.D. box just as a guy picks it up. I’m close to losing it now, I do not need another person causing anymore fucking issues. At least let me sleep and eat a little.

  The guy looks at the box for a moment before looking at me.

  Wow, he’s hot, taller than me, dusty blonde hair and bright blue eyes like the ocean. A round face with a slight splatter of freckles on his nose. He’s trim as hell with bright colored tattoos taking over his left arm. He has surfer vibes while also looking like he’s never seen a board before.

  I’m trying to not get carried away with getting my fill of this guy, but
they don’t make them like this back home.

  Sadly, the grin on his face tells me he knows he’s hot shit, cocky assholes always gotta ruin it. I hold my hand to take the box back, but he just continues to stare.

  “Steele, Gibbs and Hindman. I’m assuming Steele is your focused bloodline?”

  “Yeah,” I sigh, hoping this can be over with quickly. He holds the I.D. box a moment longer, then places the object in my hands. I start moving toward the doors without missing a beat. Just as I get to the door of the building a shout slows my steps.

  “Hey Princess, your bloodline may have you in Ace, but you aren’t one of us.” It isn’t the hot guy, I can tell by their voice, but I’m not hanging around to see who. Stepping inside a short older man with a kind face greets me.

  “Hello, you must be Miss Steele, my name is Thomas. Let me show you to your room.”

  Fuck yeah Thomas, lead the way.



  What the fuck just happened? One minute Wren’s stopping some newbie from entering Ace, the next she’s swimming in the fucking water feature. At least it got her out of my personal space so I could actually breathe anything other than her perfume, it’s making me sick.

  Lavender is no longer a relaxing scent, not when it’s strong enough to cause a fucking headache.

  “Hey Roman, who was that?”

  I look at Parker, trying to keep my tone relaxed with him but how am I expected to know exactly who she is?

  “I don’t fucking know, Parker. Just steer clear of her until we do, ok?”

  He cringes at my language but nods all the same. I’ve known Parker for three years, he showed up at Featherstone High at fifteen years old. I instantly took him under my wing. He has a solid bloodline, just a shame he’s a bastard and they won’t give him his surname until he’s proven himself.

  He looks the part and fits in well amongst us. With his slim frame you could mistake his abilities but he’s solid as hell. It’s just a shame his head is fucked up. He doesn’t seem to understand that people fucking lie all the time and he can quickly be manipulated.

  So, I decided to make it my responsibility to guide him in the right direction. Now, he can defend himself and have people backing away in fear. Although, his personality and hatred for cussing doesn’t seem to have changed. Which matches his curly brown hair and slim frame if we’re stereotyping.

  It just doesn’t really match the fact that he has tattoos on his hands and a mean right hook.

  “Yo Rome, did you see that? I need me some.”

  The sparkle in Oscar’s eyes tells me that’s the truth all right, always thinking with his dick. I’m surprised it's not fallen off.

  “What did you say to her? You just let her go into Ace, man.” Confusion is in my tone because Oscar loves explaining the hierarchy to everyone, seeing as he’s high up. It doesn’t make sense to me, unless she’s actually meant to be here. But what bloodline?

  “Bro, she’s got three bloodlines and her major will be Steele.”


  Who the fuck authorized that?

  I asked for an extra skill set, but even with my father’s connections it was declined instantly. Then the fact that she’s majoring for Steele? Fuck. This could all go to shit for us because there is no way in hell that is possible.

  “Oscar, what were the other names?”

  From the smirk on his face I know I’m not going to like what he’s about to say.

  “Hindman and Gibbs.”

  My brain mulls this over for a beat.

  “Hindman and Gibbs? As in Gibbs being another Ace bloodline? Meaning she just sauntered in there and took two Alpha names and you just fucking let her?”

  I’m raging, some bitch is going to walk in here claiming names that sure as shit aren’t hers.

  “And Hindman, that’s only a step down to Diamond Block, somebody better get me some fucking answers.” I’m close to yelling and I’ve risen to my feet.

  Parker squeezes my shoulder reminding me to reign it in. I instantly sit back down and force myself to relax, but this girl just casually walked in here like it might not fuck all my plans up. I’ve worked too hard for it to go to shit now.

  Oscar just winks and saunters off like he has no cares. He probably fucking doesn’t, but he should.

  I’m ready to get out of here, I need to figure this out in private.

  The shrill cries from the water get louder and I hear my name.

  “Roman, what are you doing? Stop ignoring me. Get over here and help me out right now!” The fury in her voice is laughable, while she’s flapping around in the water like a seal.

  She started the whole argument then went into bitch fight mode, who does that?

  I think the girl's posture caught her off guard. It surprised me for sure, in the blink of an eye she was defending herself and pushing Wren into the water. Part of me wants to be impressed but she’s a complete unknown and I can’t have that.

  “Sort yourself out, Wren. You’re a fucking mess.”

  I’m standing and looking for Kai, who’s sitting around the other side of the table, in the shade as always. He meets my eyes and gives me a nod. Clearly, he heard what Oscar just said and is already researching like I need him too. He’s our tech expert so whatever there is to find on this girl he’ll get it.

  I head into Ace and offer a slight smile to Thomas as I pass. I opt to take the stairs instead of the lift, even though I’m on the fourth floor. I can always get a minute to myself this way. The stairs are for the staff really so it’s basic green handlebars and magnolia walls, but they serve their purpose.

  There are six blocks which form an order for how shit runs around here. Ace is for everyone representing the bloodline that runs The Ring. Followed by Diamond, Hearts, Spades, Clubs and Jokers. In that order. Jokers are at the bottom of the barrel. I don’t interact with anyone lower than Diamond, but I get why they’re here.

  I mean we need minions to do the shitty skills because you won’t catch an Ace doing them. Then, each building has rooms allocated to bloodlines based on importance. All the blocks are the same size, they just have less and less people in them the higher up the chain you get.

  For instance, Joker Block holds up to sixty attendees, all room sharing, and a couple of communal bathrooms on each floor. Whereas Ace holds eight, that’s eight fully equipped, top of the range condos. No apartments on the ground floor, that’s for our private gym/training area, garage and private chefs. You then have three condos on the second and third floor, and the top floor holds two apartments. I had the privacy of the top floor at Featherstone High and that’s how I liked it.

  Now, it seems I’ve gone and got myself a fucking neighbor.



  This place is crazy. Thomas walked me to my room yesterday morning and I haven’t had to leave since. I’m going a little mad here and I know I need to get out for a bit at some point, but I just needed time to gather myself, to figure out a plan. It didn’t take long for me to fall asleep yesterday, once I saw the level of security for my room, and arranged some of my own, I felt a little safer.

  Thank god Rafe sent my ‘moon bag’, because it wasn’t safe enough to sleep without my switchblade under my pillow and one of my guns under the comforter, but enough for me to relax and let sleep take over for a while.

  Once I woke I took the time to check out my new living space. The bedroom is gorgeous, decorated in soft pink and pale grey with a full dresser off to the side. The California King comes with the most luxurious mattress I’ve ever slept on, and that’s saying something, because my one back home is amazing.

  The lounge is all navy along one wall, and white accents touch the room. It has two sofas with a wooden coffee table and a giant television. It is surprisingly cozy, to say there are floor to ceiling windows opposite the navy feature. Looking out of the entry and the other buildings.

  A full kitchen, that is completely stocked, comes off
the opposite side of the lounge to my bedroom. Full of high-tech appliances and a big enough dining table for six, but most importantly my favorite coffee machine.

  I can’t stop staring at the tub in the bathroom. It’s a giant whirlpool bath that could easily hold four, and it’s all for me. The bathroom also has a walk-in shower with body jets and the largest rainfall shower head ever. Back home I had a good enough shower, but now I had options.

  This room definitely softens the blow, but it isn’t home.

  The technology in here is crazy good. From apps I had to download to let me control the temperature and security from my phone, to touchpads that worked the blinds, the entertainment system and even place an order for food from downstairs. Not that I’d done that yet, seeing as the kitchen was fully stocked already, I’d been happily taking care of myself.

  Looking through the bags that Rafe had packed for me, I was relieved to see some home comforts. I’d stored my ‘Moon’ bag straight away, even though they seem to know who I am, I don’t want my equipment just lying around.

  He’d packed every item of clothing I own into two suitcases, apparently I’m a light traveler to say that was all I had. Other than that, he’d made sure I had chargers for my electronics including my phone thank god. He had even packed my tattoo cases. I just needed some available skin to go crazy on.

  My mother on the other hand, when she said she’d had some essentials arranged for me, she was downplaying her work for sure. The dresser came with a beauty table, kitted out with so much make-up I thought it was a full stand at a department store, and don’t get me started on all the fancy lights and shit.

  There was barely any room in the dresser for my actual clothes seeing as she had had it filled with dresses and skimpy outfits. She was making it very fucking obvious that she doesn’t know me at all. Just to top it all off, nobody mentioned a freaking uniform, and why are there fucking heels with it? In what world do you wear heels as part of a uniform? That shit's just sending me over. The. Edge.