My Bloodline (Featherstone Academy Series Book 1) Page 6
I have to push all this shit out of my mind. I know it’s not important in the grand scheme of things. Not when I have classes to consider.
When I finally look at my I.D box in more detail, I find my timetable printed and laminated with full color coding. Somebody had too much time on their hands.
It looks as though I have six main lessons: Business, Combat, Weapons, Tech, History and B.I.C.E which stands for Bribery, Infiltration, Corruption and Embezzlement.
I mean, it started off normal with the business class but just went off the scales from there.
All this has me a little overwhelmed if I’m honest with myself. I seem to try and wrap my head around one thing and ten more pop up.
There were three credit cards in separate envelopes, one for each bloodline, with bank statements enclosed. All showing obscene amounts of money. Money which I will not be using. No way. I have my own money that I’ve earned myself which doesn’t come with any strings attached. With that I leave them in the I.D. box.
I can’t get any more familiar with my room. I’ve scoped out every inch of it and checked it all over for cameras or any form of monitoring device and come up with nothing. So I know it’s time for me to check out as much of the grounds as possible before everything officially begins on Tuesday. Seeing as it’s already lunch time on Sunday, I still need to visit the vaults and buy a few items, so I know I need to get a move on.
Deciding a jog around the grounds is likely my best option. I throw on some loose shorts and a sports bra since the heat is unbearable, and the humidity is through the roof. I opt to wear my tech earphones, so it’ll look like I’m listening to music, but they actually amplify the sounds around me. I’ll either pick up some useful information or at least hear an attacker coming at me. With that being said, I opt to pack a razor blade in between my boobs as an extra layer of defense.
Here’s to hoping I won’t need it.
I’ve jogged the whole perimeter and there is easily over ten thousand acres of land here, it’s huge for the small amount of people actually here. I remember when we had to visit Penn State University with school and I thought that was big, this isn’t much bigger but there’s a quarter of the people on campus at most. There is so much open space and distance between the different areas.
At some points I felt like I was at a National Park. Barely anyone around, and surrounded by nature, I could forget where I am.
The academic buildings are almost quaint looking, built out of concrete, brick and stone. It adds character and matches the elegant vibes of the main hall.
Seeing as I stuck to the parameter I didn’t come across anybody, but the security and it seems there’s plenty of them. I got the occasional nod, but I wasn’t interrupted, just how I like it.
The little map they give you does not do it any justice. If anything, it’s very misleading. I would have brought an extra water if I’d known the campus was this big. I’m definitely feeling it, seeing as I had the fight on Friday night and did nothing at all yesterday. I’m gonna find out who created that map and recommend they add a distance notice. I’m exhausted but at least the run calmed my mind.
I’m glad I’ve got a feel for this place a bit more now. I’ll need to venture into the center where the shops and food halls are tomorrow since it’s later in the day than I thought it would be.
I’m close to the dorms now and there are definitely more people around than there were when I left. From this distance I can see a few groups around, but I don’t spot the larger group from yesterday.
No one seems to have caught sight of me yet, so I stop to the side to stretch myself before I head in. Preferring the fresh air and natural surroundings to try and wind down.
I should have known not to when I hear feet shuffling towards me. I’m mid-stretch, touching my toes, when I look to my right and see a girl approaching me. Luckily it's not the same bitch as yesterday but my guard goes up all the same. I stand tall and look her over. Red hair touching her shoulders, wearing a plain green tee and a pair of denim shorts with subtle make-up, she’s rocking the girl next door vibe like a pro.
She looks me over too, she’s nervous. I can see it on her face, she wants to say something. I raise an eyebrow at her which makes her blush, it’s obvious she isn’t going to physically attack me if a raised eyebrow embarrasses her.
“Are you okay?” I ask, hoping my instincts are right. I relax my posture a little to encourage her to do whatever she came over here for.
“Yeah, yeah I’m fine. That’s what I actually came over here for. You know, to make sure you’re okay.” She must see the confusion on my face when she carries on, “Sorry, I err, saw what happened yesterday, and I know you gave her what she deserved but I just wanted to check in and make sure you’re alright. I’m assuming you’re new to everything Featherstone seeing as I haven’t seen you before yesterday, and well, I can’t help but worry that you’ve shown up with a black eye.”
Now I’m raising both eyebrows at her, before I can process a response she’s continuing.
“I’m sorry I’m not nosey I swear. I just remember when I joined Featherstone High and how awful people were then, and I just wanted to offer a friendly smile amongst all of this. And, now I’m talking your ear off. I’m sorry, I have a motor mouth. I’ll shut up now.”
She literally covers her mouth and her eyes are wide, like deep down there is so much she wants to say but she really is trying to hold it in. I can’t keep the bubble of laughter from escaping and the smile from touching my lips.
“You got a name Red?”
She is practically bouncing on her toes with joy.
“Oh gosh. Silly me, yes. Hi, I’m Jessica,” she rushes.
“Luna,” I offer in response.
She’s looking at me as if she wants to shake my hand, high five me and hug me all at once. I raise my hands in defense.
“Baby steps, yeah?” I try to keep my voice relaxed and she instantly calms.
“Sorry, I know I’m a bit much, you aren’t the first to tell me. I just knew I liked you when I saw you yesterday.” She is much more at ease now when she’s talking.
“I’m not saying you’re anything. I only just met you, that’s all.” I smile to show her I’m being honest with her. I don’t mix well with other girls, they’re usually too pretentious and full of themselves and I haven’t got time for it. That and I was always training with Rafe or with the guys at Inked, but this girl, she has a happy go lucky vibe about her, and I feel myself wanting to bask in it.
Catching myself getting carried away, I decide as nice as this all is I need to put a little space between us. I don’t want to suddenly rely on this girl just because she’s the first person to actually talk to me. Trying to wrap this up without being too harsh, like I usually am.
“Well Jessica, thanks for coming over. I’m okay though, no worries there. I may be new here, but I know how to handle myself,” I say, placing my hand to my chest, trying to emphasize the honesty in my statement.
She raises her hand to her cheekbone as if to ask about my black eye without interrupting me.
“Ah yeah, don’t worry about that. You should see the other guy.”
That seems to make Red more worked up.
“Guy? What guy? Why are they hitting you? Is this an abusive relationship? Domestic violence is never okay Luna. We need to get you checked over, file a report.”
Oh god, I’ve got to cut her off before she hurts herself.
“Red, calm down okay. I’m fine, I was in an organized fight Friday night. No domestic violence here.” I look her straight in the eye hoping to calm her quickly. She’s almost got me wanting to rub her shoulder, to console her or something.
“Oh, okay. If you’re sure Luna. Sorry, I get carried away when I worry.”
She’s worried about me? I don’t even know what to do with that.
“No, I’m all good, honest.”
Her shoulders relax.
��m gonna head back though., I’ve been on a crazy jog and I just need to shower, eat and sleep, in that order.”
Why am I explaining myself to her? I never explain myself to anyone. I think I’ve caught her chatterbox. What is it with this girl?
“Of course, sorry for holding you up. If you need a friend for anything I’m in Diamond Block and it’s usually okay for Ace and Diamond Blocks to mingle.”
What does that even mean? She doesn’t seem to fit in here, in the criminal underworld, but she does seem to have experience and knowledge with the hierarchy which could be useful.
“Hey, you want to give me your number?” I ask and her smile is blinding.
Seems I’m not going to be a party of one here. I take my phone out and dial her details.
“Maybe I’ll text you tomorrow. I haven’t got all my required items yet and you can play tour guide if you’re free,” I say.
“Yes, I would love that. I’m free tomorrow so let me know.”
Stepping back, I start to head towards Ace, but I can’t help consider what Jessica has said so far.
She is a ray of sunshine, a lightbulb in this dark world, with her personality, but it seems others here have tried to stamp the sparkle out. How have they treated this girl? For her to feel so strongly about approaching me today.
I never care for other people’s feelings or happiness levels, but she deserves someone to brighten her day too, right?
“Hey Red,” I shout. She whips her head around smiling, seems I’m set on nicknaming her. Fuck.
“Thanks for this, it was nice to meet you,” I say honestly.
Her blue eyes brighten, and an appreciative smile meets me. I turn and carry on back to my dorm.
Seems I’ve got myself a friend.
I feel as fresh as a daisy after yesterday. After I made it back to my room, I showered and ordered the best mac and cheese in existence. I did consider the tub in the ridiculous bathroom but ultimately, I needed to power spray that sweat off. Maybe I can try the tub out tonight because it looks divine.
It’s played on my mind a little that I’ve not had any contact with the Head since I was in her office on Saturday morning, is everything ok now or is there more for me to be concerned about?
When I was relaxing last night with Queen of the South playing on the tv, in the background, I made a list of things I really had to get done today.
The plan is to use the access keys from the I.D. box to go to the vaults this morning, so I can figure out what items I can tick off the list from them. From what I can understand, each bloodline holds a vault with items in them relating to their skill sets.
I have no idea what to expect.
I want to try and find the gym in this building too. Thomas mentioned it on Saturday morning, while escorting me to my room, so I can try and squeeze in a session. Then I can meet Red and venture into the center of campus. I also made a list of questions I could ask her, but I’ll play that by ear.
Making sure I have the key cards, I lock up and make my way over. They’re on the other side of the main hall. I saw the outer building yesterday, but I’m guessing there is more than meets the eye there, as it was smaller than you’d expect.
I’m out early, it's barely nine, so there isn’t really anyone around, the odd student but mainly maintenance staff, none of which make eye contact, strange.
I decide to take the path that leads me in the vaults' direction instead of the long way like yesterday around the edge of the property.
When I arrive at the vaults there’s a security guard outside, who actually body scans me with his wand. What did he expect me to bring with me? Then he proceeds to check all my access key cards before he lets me inside.
Only for me to step foot inside and another security guard go through the same measures. What did they expect me to achieve in the space of five steps? Once I’ve met all their requirements, I’m then required to have my photo taken and fingerprints added on to the files for each vault. My god, I wish I hadn’t bothered, but there’s no use turning around now.
I’m led through to a room that holds a single elevator, nothing else.
“The Hindman vault is on the fourth floor, then you’ll need to head down to the seventh floor for the other two vaults,” grumbles the security guard.
I’m stunned he can hold a full sentence, everything has been gruff, single word orders. Nodding, I head for the elevator, with the guard following behind me. It feels like a luxury hotel’s elevator, all dark wood and golden fittings. Just with high tech scanners to set it in motion instead of all the fancy buttons.
Deciding to start with my mother’s family vault, we get out on the fourth floor, and there are doors everywhere. I’m hoping he’s here to show me where to go otherwise I’m going to be here all day.
Leading me to the left, we walk for a few minutes when he stops at a door with Hindman carved into the wood. He steps back giving me space and I use the key card to open the door. I don’t know what I expected but it is in no way as exciting as I thought it might have been. There are dozens of filing cabinets running around the edge of the room and two tables in the middle. Walking to the center I see there are microchips, USB’s, recording devices and solid gold blocks.
A little stunned, I walk over to the nearest filing cabinet to peer inside, it’s full of hundreds of files all with different names on them. Checking the next cabinet, it’s exactly the same, seems these are all the people who have been affected by Hindman, be it infiltration or corruption, and here sit’s Hindman’s leverage. Not seeing anything else in here that stands out I take a USB and microchip seeing as they’re on my B.I.C.E list. I don’t bother with the recording devices; I have no idea who would have access to the information taken or if someone else can activate it remotely. I have my own devices already. One’s I know are safe and only I can access.
Heading out of the room the guard takes the hint and we are heading back to the elevator for the next vaults. Once we are on the seventh floor the security guard asks, “Gibbs or Steele first?”
I consider this for a minute and opt to hold my father off for a little longer.
“Gibbs,” is all I offer in a way of reply.
A nod and we’re off to the left, the doors here aren’t nearly as close to each other as they were on the other floor, but we don’t go too far. I open the door not really sure what to prepare for, even in the short time I was aware of this place on the ride over here, Rafe didn’t mention it at all. I feel like I’m trespassing, as the door swings open into what can only be described as an armory. There are guns of any kind possible to my right, from small pistols to a fucking missile launcher in the far corner.
To the left there are an array of blades, including numerous samurai katana swords, longswords and even daggers all hanging on the wall. Straight on seems to be a working station for all the weapons stored in here, whilst there is nothing in the center, almost like it’s a practice space. Turning, I see that memorabilia is on the door wall, for what seems like many generations of the Gibbs bloodline. Walking closer to what seems the newer section, I spot Rafe instantly in numerous frames, never smiling and always with some form of weapon, but mainly a sniper rifle. Well at least he was honest about the gun he used.
Needing to take personal items to the weapon classes, I opt to grab a katana and short daggers as Rafe has shown me how to use them before.
Looking to the guns an assault rifle screams for my attention, and I can’t seem to say no to it. Grabbing a pistol as well, I leave the next best option of a shotgun behind. At least I know what’s here if I need it. The main challenge right now is not getting worked up by the pile of weapons growing in front of me. Finding a holdall, I zip it up and make quick work of getting out of here.
I’m not afraid to use these weapons, to defend myself. To survive. But the fact that this seems to be encouraged just blows my mind.
The guard walks me straight to the final d
oors on the other end of the elevator. My heart is pounding, it hasn’t helped being amongst all the weapons a minute ago, but deep down, this is going to open a can of worms in my head about my father. Truthfully, I’ll never be ready for this.
Gaining entry, I slowly step in, but I can’t bring myself to look up from the floor. Fuck Luna, get a grip. I close my eyes and work to steady my breathing, my emotions are heightened. I can’t deal with it. Shit. I hate getting this worked up and not being able to control my emotions. I’ve shut a lid on anything relating to my dad for a long time, so I could get on with my life.
Rafe had me talk to someone when I was younger. It only made me worse.
I loved him more than anyone else in the world but seeing him die like he did absolutely destroyed me. Fuck, I’m thinking too much about this again, so I push to clear my mind and find my center. It’s hard, really hard right now, especially knowing I’m somewhere he has been and even though I’m not looking around, it makes me feel close to him.
Feeling more prepared and focused again, I glance around to find a mixture of the previous two rooms. There are a lot of filing cabinets again lining the back wall, the left side is home to a range of weapons, but nowhere near the amount in the previous vault. Then the right wall is filled with random safes, locks and devices. It looks as though they’re either practice facilities or prized possessions but who knows.
The door wall is lined with diamonds, gems and pearls. You name a piece of jewelry and it's definitely here, probably tenfold there’s so much of it. Rubies, diamonds, sapphire’s, it’s all here and my body is itching to grab all the shiny objects.
In the center there are a few files stacked up, and little tech devices dotted around, but the thing that catches my eye the most is the large holdall with my name stitched in the fabric.
I gently trace the embroidery, and my fingers tremble at the feel of the material under my tips. It’s easy to tell the bag is already filled. I see the edge of an envelope poking out of the top, and tears prick my eyes when I see it, ‘Meu Tesouro’ – My treasured one.