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My Bloodline (Featherstone Academy Series Book 1) Page 9

  Although my run in with Oscar yesterday tipped me over the edge, he really is hot as sin.

  He had me touching myself as soon as I got back to my room. I had to picture him with his mouth shut, and I couldn’t help but let my brain wander to the guy from the gym too. Between them I had myself worked up and coming too quickly.

  I can tell Oscar’s a man whore, but that doesn’t faze me. Sex is just that, I don’t need emotions or feelings. I just need satisfaction and I can tell he can give me that. Just when I’m more comfortable here, if that ever happens, and needing more than what I can give myself.

  Doing a quick run through I check I have everything I need for today’s classes. I don’t need much for Tech or Business, but I have Weaponry this afternoon, so I’ve organized a small cabin suitcase for my guns and blades.

  My timetable also had a small notice advising we’d be given storage at each class, so in future we won’t need to cart everything with us. Hopefully, Weaponry has good enough security for me to be comfortable leaving my new belongings, otherwise I’ll just bring them back with me.

  Hearing my phone chime, I know it’s Red and it's time to move. Still refusing to use the lift, I trudge down the staircase. Which in these heels, is proving difficult, as I stumble on the first flight of steps straight away.

  “Give me fucking strength,” I say, trying to regain my balance. My handbag and cabin case are only making it worse.

  Hitting the lobby, there’s a group chatting amongst themselves, three girls and four guys. Everyone is lounging on the black leather sofas. The guys include Oscar and the asshole from the gym, as well as two others I haven’t seen before.

  Fuck me though, is being hot a requirement to attend this school? These guys could make one hell of a Magic Mike setup.

  The other girls with Wren must be her puppets, and I’m not in the mood to deal with them.

  I have a clear path straight to the exit where I can see Red waiting on the other side of the glass doors. I pop a pair of aviators on, steel my back and walk through there like I own this shit, handbag on my shoulder and pulling the case behind me.

  My heels click along the marble flooring and all conversations stop. I can sense their eyes on me, but I don’t feel anyone move. I keep walking, not missing a beat. I’m just past them when I hear their conversation pick up.

  “Fucking bitch,” says a girl, it’s not Wren though.

  “She could be my bitch whenever she wants.”

  That comes from Oscar and I hear a smack as if someone just hit him on the head.

  “You’re going to get what’s coming to you, whore, just you wait,” shouts Wren.

  I don’t respond, but I can’t help but give her the finger with my free hand over my head. I don’t hear any response because I’m already outside walking to Red.

  “Hey Luna, you ready?” she asks, rubbing her arms nervously.

  “As I’ll ever be I guess, you?”

  She shrugs her shoulders, but then remembers what I said yesterday.

  “You gotta fake it till you make it Red, confidence at all times, understood?”

  With that she stands tall, relaxes her shoulders, and breathes. Looking to me for confirmation, and I just grin at her.

  “You ready for later?” I ask.

  We compared timetables and we don’t have any free periods at the same time. So we have agreed to train on Tuesdays, Fridays and Sundays. I’ll still train everyday but that’d be too much for Red, and as much as she needs to catch up I don’t want to push her too hard, too fast.

  She smiles, “Yeah, it’s my free period beforehand, so I’ll grab the coffee, just let me know when you get out.”

  I nod and she continues, “You want to get yourself in a car and hope Wren isn’t the second passenger?” I grimace, but nod in agreement.

  I wish I could jump in the SUV with her, but each block must travel together, no mingling. I can see at the Joker Block there’s two coaches, the higher up the chain you get the smaller and more comfortable the vehicle. Red gets a black SUV with three other students and I get a chauffeur driven car with one other passenger, and seeing as there are six of us in Ace, there’s no chance of riding solo.

  Approaching the first car, I notice it’s a Rolls Royce, how ridiculous. I mean its fucking beautiful and the petrol head in me is excited, but it’s completely unnecessary.

  I’m totally fangirling inside though, I know this baby has a twin turbocharged V12 engine reaching 100 kilometers per hour in 5.3 seconds, and the trims on this thing, damn. Man, I need to see the inside. Walking to the trunk the driver opens it to reveal two separate locked compartments and hands me a padlock and key.

  Opening the left compartment, I see that there is a decent amount of space in there, clearly for my weapons or whatever I feel is important enough to be locked away. I place the suitcase in and lock it up, choosing to keep my oversized handbag with my other belongings on me.

  Nodding to the driver he leads me round and opens the door for me to enter. I can’t help but ask.

  “What’s your name?”

  He looks slightly startled with the fact that I’m talking to him.

  “Ian, Ian Porter, ma’am” he responds.

  “Thank you Ian,” I offer, with a slight smile.

  Rafe raised me with manners and respect, no matter what, and the biggest secret to finding yourself on top is befriending the one’s deemed ‘nobodies’. It’s where you can sometimes find your strongest loyalty.

  Ian simply smiles in response.

  I take a seat and god this is a thing of beauty. Full black leather interior, with the privacy paneling in place and fitted monitors in the seats in front. I’ve got leg space for days, and the armrest is open with bottles of water sat waiting. This is my kind of luxury. I’m ready for us to start moving so I can feel how smooth of a drive she is.

  I pull my phone out, waiting for whoever gets the short straw to join me so we can get moving. Glancing at my messages, I see Rafe has sent a few more this morning, clearly stressed out with the fact I haven’t responded yet.

  Rafe: Hey Luna, I know you're mad right now but please spare me a break for five seconds and let me know you’re ok. I know that place, those people and as strong as I know you are, I’m worried.

  Sighing, I relent and give a brief response.

  Luna: I’m fine.

  Within seconds my phone is buzzing again.

  Rafe: Oh, thank god. I’m glad you’re ok. Try and enjoy your first day, I’m working on what I can, I swear. If you need me at all I’m here.

  Rafe: P.S I’ve arranged for Dot to be shipped to you. Should be there Friday. I’ll confirm closer to the time.

  Dot? Oh god, I would love nothing more than my motorbike right now. The thought of the freedom, the wind swirling around me, has my heart racing. We’re able to leave campus at the weekends, and the prospect of taking her for a spin excites me. Screw all the other shit, my focus is on having my baby here. I’m sure Thomas said there’s a garage at Ace when he was walking me to my room, I’ll check when I get back.

  Suddenly the door is being opened and one of the guys I haven’t met before takes the seat beside me.

  I sigh internally, thanking god it’s not Wren. I don’t need that crazy in here with me. Although there seems to be tension pouring off this guy in waves, and my instincts tell me that it’s because of me. Great, I’ve never met him before, and the extreme discomfort is spoiling my first drive in this hot ride. It’s a shame he’s not Oscar, at least he seems to like me, well my body.

  Looking this guy over, I’m speechless because of how good looking he is. He’s not as big as the other two, slimmer, but I can still see the definition around his shoulders. I’d like to see what this guy’s hiding under that uniform because he’s real eye candy material.

  He has Asian heritage in his blood. I can notice it slightly around his eyes, in the chisel of his cheekbones and jawline, and it makes me hotter for him. Jet black hair swept to the side,
with his cartilage pierced on his right ear.

  I want to lick him.

  For Fuck sake Luna, what is wrong with you? I’m not usually so easily attracted to guys, but they make them extra hot here apparently. Not wanting to be caught staring, I glance out of the window and gather myself as the car starts to move.

  We’ve not moved far when the partition rises. I look forward as Ian glances in his rear-view mirror offering a slight shake of his head, letting me know he’s not the one controlling it.

  That leaves my backseat buddy, and I don’t think it’s because he wants to get hot and heavy. Shame.

  I turn to look him straight in the eyes, letting him see my confidence and complete lack of fear. He stares me down for a few moments, looking for what, I don’t know.

  “Do you want to explain to me why I’m struggling to find more than the most basic information about you?” He growls, his hands clenched on his knees, tension pulsing off him in waves.

  It surprises me that he has it in him. He looks more nerdy than alpha, and as much as he’s yelling at me, it’s turning me on. I find myself leaning toward him unconsciously.

  “I don’t know what you mean,” I calmly reply, forcing myself to sit up straight.

  That does not help the matter.

  “I mean, I’ve searched everywhere, and I mean everywhere and all I can come up with is a handful of details. Hacking is my game Sakura, I’m the best, so tell me what you did to erase your records?” He’s furious.

  I don’t think now’s the time to ask, but Sakura? What does that mean?

  I have no idea what he’s talking about, I haven’t wiped any of my details. I tell him this and he slams his fist down on the arm rest between us, right next to where my arm is resting, but I don’t flinch.

  “Don’t fucking play with me, it will not end well for you,” he grinds through his teeth.

  I don’t know what he expects me to say, seeing as I’m telling the truth. The venom in his eyes tells me I’m not going anywhere until he has answers. Why is he even trying to investigate my background?

  You mister, just lost some of your hotness.

  “Look, I don’t know you or why the fuck you’re trying to look into my background, but I definitely don’t owe you shit. I don’t know what information you would find either way, because whoever did wipe it, wasn’t me and they didn’t tell me either. Now back the fuck off,” I growl back at him.

  Luckily for me, I feel the car come to a stop and I realize we’re outside the academic buildings. With that I swing the car door open, before Ian can even get out of the car, and slam the door behind me. I round the trunk, banging it for Ian to get the hint and open it. He must have a button, because it opens before his door does, and I make quick work of getting my case out of the compartment.

  Looking around I see Red waving and I make straight for her, not willing to glance back.

  Great start, fucking fantastic.

  Criteria for the males of Ace is to be hot as fuck and a complete dick.

  Three out of four confirmed. Ugh.



  Standing with Red, I take in everyone around us. They’re all gathered in groups and cliques in the open space between the two academic buildings. Both are the same size with classic brick walls and large stone steps leading up to the entries.

  I can feel a lot of eyes on me since I stormed out of the Rolls. They don’t know what to make of me and it’s clearly unsettling them that I’m not standing with the others from Ace. Red wasn’t wrong when she said they rule over everyone, no one dares stand too close to them, but every student here is aware of their presence.

  Out of nowhere a bell rings, gaining everyone’s attention. Red jumps comically, like a few others, making me chuckle. She tries to give me a stern look, but it just causes a bubble of laughter to burst out of me.

  The group of girls next to us are looking our way with wide eyes. I can’t tell whether they’re scared I’m laughing because I’m crazy, or because they think I’m about to hurt them, but I don’t pay them any attention.

  Red gives me a small nudge and nods in the direction of the entrance where Barbette Dietrichson stands, at the top of the steps, glaring at me for all to see.


  I don’t react I just continue to stare in her direction, but with my sunglasses on she can’t truly know if I’m actually looking.

  “Good morning everyone, introductions aren’t really required. I know you’re all well aware of who I am, but for formality's sake, my name is Barbette Dietrichson. I’m the Head here at Featherstone Academy. You may address me as Mrs. Dietrichson.”

  You may address me? You’re not the fucking Queen of England.

  Fuck off.

  I’m glad my eyes are covered because I can’t help but eye roll at her shit.

  Sadly, she continues, “I hope you all use this opportunity to the fullest. Featherstone has bred some fine graduates who lead powerful and fulfilling lives once they have graduated. That being said, you are all here for many different reasons, those reasons are your sole focus. Know your place, follow the rules and you will succeed, it’s simple really, but not all of you will survive. Hopefully, we’ll be able to say you died trying though,” she sweetly finishes, with her eye’s locked on me. Watching for my reaction to the possibility of death, but she won’t get one.

  She holds her stare long enough for others around us to follow her line of sight.

  She’s just painted a target on my back, and she knows it. I can literally feel hundreds of eyes tearing me apart, but I won’t back down. Instead, I raise my glasses to the top of my head and continue to stare at her. Letting her see she has my attention, along with the fact that I’m not afraid, and I’m not backing down.

  That earns me a sneer as she saunters down the steps, climbing into a nearby car.

  I could do with a minute to gather myself, but I won’t get it surrounded by all these people who are still staring at me. I drop my glasses back down to hide my eyes from them all and nod my head in the direction of the entrance, for Red to follow.

  She takes the hint and we walk through the sea of people, oozing confidence. I make sure to put extra sass in my hips when I climb the stairs. As fake as it may be, these people don’t know that, and they step back giving us space.

  As we enter the building Red steps closer.

  “What the hell was all that?” she whispers.

  “I don’t know, she was furious on Saturday, when she realized I had a third bloodline, and I hightailed it out of there. This is the first time I’ve seen her since.”

  I gave her the short version of how I ended up here on the walk back yesterday, but I didn’t mention Dietrichson. She’s clearly not happy, and this is all just a mind fuck.

  Looking to the sign post I see that Tech is on the third floor whilst Science is on the first. Red pulls me towards the elevator and I don’t put up a fight. Stepping in, Red takes care of the buttons while I’m trying to piece together anything I may have missed, with Barbette, but come up short past the third bloodline.

  I’m not taking in my surroundings or the layout of the building. I spot the elevator and that’s what I’m focused on. I’m sure it’s the same over the top decor as the rest of this place.

  Luckily, before anyone else can join us the doors shut, and we’re moving. It’s spacious in here, and it looks bigger because the walls are all mirrored.

  I agree to meet Red outside the main doors so we can head to Business together after this. She seems unsure about leaving me alone, but I offer an encouraging smile and she gets out on the first floor. Hopefully, this girl will realize she doesn’t need to waste her worry on me, I can handle myself just fine.

  Arriving on the third floor I’m met by a woman with a clipboard. She takes my name, confirming I’m here for Tech and directs me to the far wall, where lockers are lined up. Dragging my case across the hardwood floor I find my name. These are next level, my locker
back home didn’t come with a touchpad, and a plaque with ‘Steele’ on it.

  Reading the instructions she gave me on a slip of paper, I quickly run through the process of setting up my fingerprint, and store my belongings I don’t need until later.

  There isn’t a lot of space where the lockers are, so I’m pleasantly surprised by the size of the actual Tech room as I head inside. A board is set up at the door, advising us to wait for our seat assignments. So I hover at the front, taking in the rest of the room.

  All the walls are bright white, with a standard blue carpet throughout. There are two separate desk layouts positioned opposite each other. One setup with computers, while the other is bare. Behind the desks are tall benches filled with different electronic devices, some dismantled, and there’s even a small freaking robot.

  Crazy. Looks like we aren’t working on spreadsheets here then.

  People begin to step in around me, and a guy greets us. He’s wearing casual jeans and a band t-shirt. Light blonde hair falls past his ears, with giant framed glasses covering his eyes.

  “Hi, I’m Derek Griffin, please just call me Derek. I’m your Tech tutor and this is our workspace. I prefer old school seating assignments because I’m classic like that. For the time being I’d like it to run off first names. So, when I call your name in a group of three please take your seats, starting from the front row. This will also be your team when group exercises are required. We’ll be on the computer side today, but please take notice of the board, at the beginning of each lesson. If that’s not too complicated for you, I’ll begin.”

  He starts to reel off names, and people begin shifting through the small crowd, taking their places. Who knew a class of trainee criminals could listen so well?

  “Kai, Luna and Parker please,” he calls.

  I don’t know anyone else here, so I don’t bother to look for who I’ve been assigned with.

  I take the middle seat on the next table available, setting my bag down and try to get comfortable. I'd be better without all this shit on and a proper pair of shoes for god's sake.