My Bloodline (Featherstone Academy Series Book 1) Read online
Page 14
“Phone,” I mouth to him and he just looks down at his blazer.
I take that as my hint and use my other hand to find his inside pocket, pulling his phone out. It’s locked, so I press the phone against his thumb, unlocking it.
I pause a moment, his home screen is a picture of the four guys. They’re relaxed, smiling and they look happy.
That is some photo.
Remembering what I’m actually supposed to be doing I search for Romans number and type out a text with my left hand, fuck this could take forever.
Parker: Hey, it’s Luna. Parker needs you. He’s not as bad as yesterday, but I don’t know what to do without drawing attention to him.
The response is immediate.
Roman: What happened? What color are his eyes? Is he fidgeting at all?
Fuck, right erm…
Parker: They were listing off the eight names of Ace and when it came to his family name there was a really loud beep played over it.
Parker: I can’t really tell his eyes because they’ve got the lights off, but they’re dark, not as dark as yesterday but close.
Parker: He isn’t fidgeting. His legs are still, his hands were clenched but now they’re gripping my other hand like his life depends on it and I think I’ve lost feeling.
The video’s still playing but I have no idea what’s going on. Yet again my focus is on something it shouldn’t be. I’m my own worst enemy here.
Roman: Do not let go of his hand. You’re clearly keeping him grounded even if it’s the smallest amount. I’ll be there ASAP, but it may be the end of class before I do.
I don’t bother to respond, it’s too hard and he’s on his way anyway. Parker seems content on squeezing the life out of my hand, but otherwise he isn’t doing anything.
I look to my left at Red, she can see something is going on. Questions of concern float in her eyes, and I offer her a small smile, before trying to focus on the screen.
That is why we have The Ring, they control the head of Featherstone, ensuring the right decisions are made, but even their bloodlines do not just get instant access to sit at The Ring’s table. Featherstone laws state that for a chance to stand for The Ring you must first compete in The Games. The Games determine the strong from the weak, and in a controlled environment other names can make a play, but it’s life or death inside there. You may enter up to groups of six, or solo, or not at all. Unless you are an Ace, then the bylaws state you MUST enter The Games.
What the fuck was that? What does that even mean? I don’t want to enter any games. I don’t want to be forced to fight for a place at a table I want to be as far away as possible from.
The video stops and the lights are turned on.
“Thank you very much class, that is all for today. Your assignment is to learn something about your bloodline that you did not previously know. Be it from the library or asking them directly, but I want it for next week. Dismissed.”
I look to Parker and he manages to offer me a half smile.
“Hey, you think we can make it outside, or do you want to wait here for Roman?”
“Move out of my fucking way you idiots,” roars Roman from the other side of the door.
“Never mind the grumpy bastard’s here now,” I say with an exaggerated eye roll, and it actually earns me a small chuckle.
I squeeze his hand back and relax a little. Roman storms over and crouches down on the other side of Parker.
“Hey buddy, you okay?”
He doesn’t move his eyes from me but grins a little, it’s almost like he’s drunk.
“See, Roman gave me a nickname,” he says, barely a whisper, and I laugh.
“You gonna be okay with the big bad wolf?” I ask.
“I’m his favorite, of course I’ll be okay.”
I give his hand a final squeeze and stand, turning to see Red waiting patiently with concern in her eyes. Roman manages to get Parker up but the minute he does he grabs my hand again.
I look to where we’re connected. It’s foreign to me, to hold someone’s hand. I have always been way too independent to want to hold a guy’s hand, and I’m not very affectionate anyway, especially not in public. Yet, here I am again unable to bring myself to say no.
I look him in the eyes.
“You are a little shit Parker Parker, don’t make me give you a mean nickname,” I warn, but inside the contact gives me tingles.
I feel almost delicate in his hands. I could get lost in this feeling.
He doesn’t respond, he just kisses me gently on my forehead, and slowly starts walking to the lift, like that light touch didn’t melt my walls away.
Like it didn’t impact my life.
I let him drag me along, with Roman and Red behind.
“Fair warning Princess, when he sucks you in, you’re screwed,” Roman whispers, as he places his hand on the small of my back.
No shit sherlock. I’m screwed already.
After making it back to Ace I decide to change and head for the gym to work off some steam, so I can try and figure my head out. As much as I like the way Parker makes me feel. I shouldn’t be allowing it to happen. I don’t know what’s going on around me enough to let myself get distracted, and they are all trouble.
I change in my room, grab a water, a towel and my phone to take with me. My phone buzzes in my hand and I see Rafe flash across the screen. I don’t really want to talk to him, but if he’s getting Dot to me then it’s a necessary evil. Whilst I have him on the phone, I could mention needing something for History too.
“Hey,” I answer, as I make my way down the stairs.
“Hey Luna, how are things?”
I don’t know how to answer him, I’ve been thrust into a world I do not truly understand, and I still haven’t had time to process everything.
“I don’t know Rafe, I didn’t know anything about this place this time last week, and I haven’t had much time to process everything going on.”
“It’ll take time Luna, that’s all. You’re made for this,” he praises.
“What if I don’t want to be made for this? I don’t want this life Rafe and I certainly didn’t ask for it,” I fire back.
I take a breath trying to calm myself down. I don’t like letting my emotions get the better of me, and this conversation is just riling me up.
“I know Luna, I know. Any trouble?”
“Plenty, the Head wasn’t impressed from the moment I stepped through the door with an extra bloodline and it doesn’t help that her daughter is a first-class bitch gunning for me too.” I sigh.
“Dietrichson? She’s always been a bitch. I’ll never understand how she was given the position to begin with, always wanting more power and thinking she’s superior. If they weren’t so much alike, she would be perfect for Veronica.”
I can’t help the chuckle at that. He’s definitely on to something there.
“Rafe, did you know about West too?” There’s a pause on the other side before he responds.
“Yeah Luna, I did. There is a lot going on in the underworld, there are few you can trust, but you can trust West I swear. When you finally talk to him it’ll be clearer, okay?”
“But when you dragged me out of the Warehouse, you wouldn’t let the guys in, you said they don’t know what they’re walking into, was that a lie to force me here?”
I squeeze my temples, this is all just one big giant headache.
“No, no Luna. It was Jake and Tommy banging on the door, and they know nothing at all. When West’s fight finished, he saw a message from me telling him to get out of there, because no one knew he was with us Luna, and we couldn’t risk them finding out.”
More information for me to absorb, I can’t keep up. I’m silent for a moment as I walk through the lobby. I’ve had enough of this talk, so I try to change the subject. “What are we looking like for Dot’s arrival?” I ask.
“Oh, that’s what I was actually calling for. What time do you finish Friday? I was
hoping you would be okay for me to follow the truck, maybe hang around for food...” He trails off hopefully.
“I have a free period after lunch so anytime from say 2 o’clock? As much as I’m mad at you right now Rafe, I’d really appreciate a catch up. I’m lost Rafe, I don’t know if I’m swimming or slowly sinking, and seeing your ugly mug would help, and you can answer all my questions without the presence of my mother,” I say with a smile, trying to force myself to feel more positive.
Making it to the bottom of the stairs I head towards the gym, when the lights suddenly go out and its pitch black.
“Shit, Rafe I’m gonna have to go. I'm at Ace, near the gym and the lights have just cut out.”
“What? Luna, that shouldn’t happen.”
“Well it has, don’t stress I ...”
I feel it. My senses heighten.
I’m not alone. This is an ambush.
I try to figure out how many people are here and prepare for an attack. Someone’s charging me from the front. I drop my phone, and punch straight forward. I can’t guess how tall they are but I’m going to make contact there at least. My fist meets someone’s stomach and they grunt.
It’s definitely a guy based on his body and the noise that just came out of his mouth. I try to focus on my surroundings, and I feel someone approaching me from behind. I decide to crouch quickly, which has them tripping over me and stumbling into the guy in front.
I go to step back from them when, SMACK!
Fuck. I’m smashed on the side of the head with fuck knows what and knocked to the ground. Trying to clear the fuzz from my head I can feel blood trickling down the side of my face and a pounding in my head has me at a disadvantage because all I can hear is the ringing in my ears.
“Fucking bitch, you’re gonna wish we were given the all clear to kill you.”
It’s a guy's voice, but with the pounding I can’t place it.
Following his words comes a kick to the face, crashing me to the floor.
Just fuck.
Someone grabs me by the hair and smashes my face into the floor. I manage to grip whoever has hold of me round the wrist and I squeeze as tightly as possible, I don’t know how I manage it, I’m barely conscious, but a girl screams in pain when I do. Blows to both sides of my ribs have me releasing her and curling in on myself. I’m out numbered and disadvantaged enough to admit I just need to block myself.
The hits don’t ease up, but I fight to keep my face covered, they’ve hit my face enough already. I can barely keep my mind processing let alone keep my eyes open. My body is trying to shut down, but I’m holding on with everything I can.
The pain is barely registering, there's that much of it. My whole body is numb but throbbing at the same time.
“Beg, fucking beg for us to stop,” a female voice growls.
I’d rather they finished the job before I beg for anything. My silence earns me a blow to the back of my head.
Fuck, maybe I could close my eyes for just a minute.
“Shit someone’s coming, we need to move,” a guy whisper yells.
I’m gripped by my hair and lifted off the ground, like a rag doll.
“You listen here, and you listen good. You need to learn your place. Do you understand me? I’m going to make your life a living hell. You and anyone who tries to stand by your side, you’re not going to make it out of here alive, I can promise you that,” a female voice growls in my ear.
With that she spits in my face and drops me back to the floor. All I hear are the sounds of their footsteps inching further away.
I finally succumb to the pain and the sleep trying to take over my body. In the distance I hear my name being called but I don’t have any fight left in me.
I feel like I’m floating. On a floaty, gently swaying with the waves. I try to open my eyes but it’s too bright, so I shut my eyes tighter and drift back off.
I feel myself coming round but I’m no longer floating. I feel like I can’t move, every inch of my body is screaming in pain. What the hell is going on? The pounding in my head is unbearable. I try to lift my hand but it’s too heavy. Instead I focus all my energy on opening my eyes, it feels like it takes forever, but eventually I pry them apart and try to take in my surroundings.
I know I’m in my room at Featherstone Academy. I feel like I should be up and out though with the sunlight coming through the closed blinds, but I’m struggling to move a muscle. A creak from the door has my eyes shifting in that direction.
Why the hell is he standing inside my room right now?
What’s happened?
“Hey, you’re awake,” West gently says, as he approaches the bed.
I try to respond but my throat is like a desert. West must be able to tell, because he reaches for the bedside table for a glass of water and a straw. I feel like a child letting him help me have a drink, but I need water more than I need my pride right now.
“How are you feeling?”
“Like I’ve been hit by a bus that happened to reverse too, what happened to me?”
“What can you last remember?”
“Err, I remember Combat, Business and History, then I came back and changed to workout. Rafe called and we were talking when ... the lights went out ... then I woke up here. I’m confused,” I say, trying to sit up but everything hurts too much.
“Luna, whilst you were on the phone to Rafe someone cut the power to Ace and proceeded to attack you. Rafe could hear commotion over the phone, so he rang me from the Inked phoneline screaming down the phone that something was happening. By the time I got here they’d already gone, but they beat you bad Luna. There were at least four different footprints on your body, and they used a weapon too,” he offers, crouching down beside me.
I try to process what he’s saying, and it makes sense with the way I’m feeling right now. I try really hard to focus on what happened when the lights were cut. I can’t remember the feeling of any of the blows to my body, but I do remember what was growled in my ear.
“You listen here, and you listen good. You need to learn your place. Do you understand me? I’m going to make your life a living hell. You and anyone who tries to stand by your side, you’re not going to make it out of here alive, I can promise you that.”
I look at West.
“I remember what someone said to me, but I can’t place the voice, it’s all muffled.”
Who would do this? I can’t think of anyone past the Dietrichson’s, either the bitch or her mother, but my head hurts too much to try and piece it together.
“It’s likely because you took quite a few blows to the head. What did they say?”
“Oh, just the classic I’m going to ruin you and anyone close to you speech, and threats against my life.”
“Fuck Luna, I’m sorry I couldn’t get here quicker.”
I just roll my eyes, it’s not his fault I was targeted.
“What time is it?” I ask, changing the subject.
“Nearly lunch.”
“The next day?” I’m taken back. Still unable to lift myself up, I change tactics and lift a hand to my head, tentatively trying to feel for damage.
“Yeah, I had a doctor come here to check you over. Two cracked ribs and a solid concussion are your main injuries, luckily the rest is a lot of swelling and bruising, with a couple of cuts thrown in for good measure too.”
“Oh great, I feel really lucky.”
“I don’t miss your smart mouth, Luna. Nobody knows what happened except the doctor, Rafe, me and whoever did it. Word will travel but it’s better to keep as much as possible private. Someone called Red has been blowing your phone up, anything you want me to do with that?”
I just shake my head, she’s better off away from me. I just bring drama and she doesn’t deserve it.
“Could you help prop me up a little better?” I ask, resigned to the fact I’m in
no state to do it myself.
He just offers a smile, helping lift me up and stuffing more pillows behind me. My body is aching so bad. I can’t help but groan in pain.
“Try and get some rest, okay? You need to eat too, so I can give you some more pain meds, any preference on food?”
“Whatever you can get your hands on,” I reply, trying to relax.
“Oh, and West,” I call, which has him looking back, hand resting on the door jab.
“I hate you right now but I’m not too proud to say thank you. So, thank you. You didn’t have to rescue me, especially after the last time I saw you I punched you in the throat, but I’m grateful that you did,” I whisper, as I feel myself drifting back off.
“I’m quite sure I deserved that if I’m honest. I will always come when you need me Luna, no matter what,” he replies before clicking the door shut.
I’m in between being awake and asleep but hearing him say those words, I feel like I’ve heard them before.
“Hey pretty lady, don’t cry. West is here okay? I’ll always come when you need me Luna, no matter what. I will always protect you, my little Luna moon.”
“I swear to fucking god, I’m about to bust this fucking door down if someone doesn’t fucking open it. Right. Now.”
What the hell? Is that Parker?
It sounds like Parker, but he doesn’t cuss or yell. And why the hell is he trying to break in?
“Hey Luna, what do you want me to do?” asks West, from my bedroom door.
Rolling my eyes, I nod.
“Let him in, but could you give a slight overview before he steps in because I can’t deal with any more shouting.”
With that he runs off to stop the banging at the door.
“What the fuck are you doing in her room?”
God, the yelling isn’t getting any better, and is that Roman as well?
“Roman, I swear to god calm him down. He’s not helping the situation and I won’t let him through like this, she doesn’t need any extra shit right now.”