My Bloodline (Featherstone Academy Series Book 1) Read online
Page 15
He’s damn right I don’t need this.
“West, I’ll calm him down when you tell us what’s going on. We’ve been trying to get hold of her all day, since Jess said she’d heard nothing. Now we finally get in here to find you West, a tutor, you need to tell me what’s fucking going on.”
Oh god, between these two it could turn into a pissing match.
“West.” I try to shout but it comes out weak and gravelly.
It must be loud enough because it stops all their noise, sadly it just makes my bedroom door swing open. The first thing I see is Parker’s concerned face, he’s followed by Roman. I must look bad because the shock is clear. I expect West to follow them in but instead in walks Oscar, followed closely by Kai and Red.
Great. It’s turning into a goddamn party.
Eventually West walks in and I look to him with pleading eyes. Luckily, no one starts getting in my face or demanding answers from me.
“West, I need you to start explaining to me. Right. Now.” Roman growls, pacing at the bottom of the bed.
God if I could feel my lady parts, I’m sure they would have appreciated that tone. Sad times.
“I can tell you what I know, if Luna is happy with that, but you have to remain calm. This is only the second time she’s woken up and she needs to eat. So calm yourself or get out. Understood?”
West remains firm until everyone offers some form of sound in agreement. Looking at me to confirm explaining I just give a small nod.
He goes over the last twenty-four hours, being jumped and the extent of my injuries.
“Okay, now can you explain how you ended up involved in all this?” asks Kai.
“She was on the phone with Rafe as a group attacked her. He could hear shit going south so he called me. I brought her up here and I’ve stayed ever since, problem?” he responds, staring him down.
“Rafe?” Roman questions, but I can’t deal with all this testosterone right now.
Again, when my lady parts are working it’d be different, and minus West, but right now I need it to stop.
“First one to pass me some water is my favorite.” I say it as a joke to relax the atmosphere, but everybody fucking moves like meerkats, seeking the closest water.
Kai and Parker spot a fresh bottle on my bedside table and run at it together. Kai manages to grab the bottle first, but Parker grabs the straw. I can’t help a little bubble of laughter that escapes my lips at their antics, but I cringe because my throat is raw. They make an efficient team and in seconds I’m sipping water, which is a little awkward with everyone staring at me.
“Can you all give me a minute, I need to use the bathroom,” I say with my head lowered, not really liking the need to explain myself.
No one says a word and I prepare to try and lift myself up, when the cover is gently pulled back and Roman is tenderly placing an arm under my legs and one round my back. Lifting me as delicately as possible he heads to the bathroom. I don’t argue, as much as each step he takes causes me pain, I do quite like being enveloped by him.
He walks me into the bathroom and slowly places me on my feet, making sure I’m steady before he steps back a little.
“Which side of the door do you need me on?” he asks, like it’s not a big issue.
Glancing down at myself, I’m wearing an oversized t-shirt that hits me mid-thigh, and I know I’ve got panties on, so that’s all I’ll need to take care of.
“I’ll be alright if you can just give me a minute. Please,” I murmur, not willing to meet his eyes.
He doesn’t respond, just does as I asked.
My body hurts so much, every part aching from the attack, they didn’t leave a stone unturned that’s for sure. Once I’ve finished, I prepare myself for the large mirror over the sink. I turn the faucet on and slowly raise my eyes.
God. I don’t even recognize myself. There’s a cut on my forehead and another on my right cheek, two black eyes and my whole face is swollen and colored black and blue. I look my arms over which are covered in bruises, and my legs match.
I raise my t-shirt to check over my ribs, it’s fucking hard trying to get my body to comply. I’ve got the top half way up when Roman pushes the door open, he must be able to tell what I’m trying to do, because without a word he stands behind me and raises my t-shirt, stopping just below my breast. I obviously can’t see the cracked ribs, but they are by far the worst marks.
“How bad is my back?” I ask, meeting his gaze in the mirror.
“As bad as the front.”
No sugar coating just the honest truth, and that’s what I need right now, I feel weak enough in my physical abilities, I don’t need my mentality to be babied too.
Roman releases my t-shirt and goes to carry me again.
“I really appreciate it Roman, but could you maybe help me walk back? You don’t have to, but I need to do it for myself, even if it hurts like a bitch.”
He takes me in for a moment, then holds his arm out for me to link. It takes a lot of effort and energy, but I eventually make it back to my bed. Nobody questions it, which is likely to do with the stern look on Roman’s face as a warning not to.
“Baby girl, I ran back to my room and brought you some of Roman’s mama's stew for you. It’s the shit I swear, and it’ll have you feeling better in no time.” Oscar approaches with a big bed tray loaded with other snacks too.
I smile appreciatively at him, as he places the tray over my lap. He bends to meet my eyes, and there is a softness there. Amongst all his jokes and ego, he can be a nice guy? Who knew his mouth wouldn’t get him in trouble for a change?
“Do you need any help?” he asks. Tucking stray hair behind my ear gently, but I shake my head.
“I can only allow myself to be so weak but thank you for offering.”
“You can be as weak as you need to be Sakura, we are here to help,” Kai responds.
“I do appreciate that, but I don’t know you guys enough to hold that level of trust, too much has already happened in the space of a week. My trust has been broken by too many people already,” I reply honestly.
Nobody responds, they can tell I won’t believe any different right now. I take my time, but I consume every last drop of the stew, he wasn’t lying it was to die for, literally. Thick with vegetables and beef, I don’t know what is in the sauce, but I need to ask Roman how I get some more.
The silence in the room makes me feel a little awkward, with me in this state. Parker must sense my discomfort.
“So, word of the day guys,” he says, trying to relieve some of the tension in the room. He looks Roman, who just rolls his eyes.
“What’s word of the day?” I ask, happy to encourage a conversation.
“Parker likes to learn a new word every day,” Oscar adds with an exaggerated sigh.
“That sounds like fun. From the Urban Dictionary though? That’s the best,” I say, looking to Parker, who just frowns back at me.
“What’s the Urban Dictionary?”
“What do you mean? The Urban Dictionary is the funniest. It’s an online dictionary for slang words and phrases,” I chuckle.
“I need to see this,” he says, pulling his phone out.
There’s a knock on the main door, which West must take care of because in walks Red, when did she even leave? I’m clearly a shitty friend for not realizing. Then I see what she’s carrying.
“You did not just go get me unicorn sprinkles and rainbow dust,” I cry out, and she smiles at me holding out the icy cold goodness.
“I wanted to get something to make you smile,” she whispers in my ear, as she gently wraps her arm around me in a side hug. I feel like I could burst with tears.
Always my fucking sunshine.
I need to figure shit out, after what the attackers said, I don’t want to put anyone in harm's way.
“So, the only thing I actually remember is their parting words. Which were basically threats against my life and those choosing to stand with me. I don’t even know what
they think I’m standing for, but I’m sure you all know I’m a stubborn bitch and they won’t be able to keep me down. So, it’s probably best you all keep your distance, okay?”
Confusion is written on everyone’s face, like my unicorn sprinkles created an actual horn out of my forehead.
The first to speak is Parker.
“Luna, I’ve remained calm since I got in here, like West asked. For your sake, but do not push me with that shit, do you understand? This is the world we live in, someone’s always going to want to attack us, if we’re with you or not. So, don’t insult me by taking away my choice. Understood?”
My mouth is going like a fish. I’m stunned, I want to say something, but I have no idea what, who knew I could be silenced.
Parker with his surprising firmness again. Hot. Everyone chuckles at my expense and the guys all pat Parker on the back. Aceholes.
West steps into the room, with his phone to his ear.
“Rafe,” he mouths.
I expect him to hand me the phone, so I’m surprised when he ends the call.
“Did he not want to talk?” I’m surprised, because that’s not like him at all.
West chuckles.
“Of course he wants to talk to you, he's been out of his mind, but we don’t need the phone. Not when he’s just driven on to campus.”
He doesn’t say anything else, he just saunters out.
Give me strength to deal with all this pain along with all this babying because I’m gonna fucking need it.
Rafe had stormed in and roared for everyone to leave. Taking over as always. I couldn't help falling back asleep before we could talk though. I'd burned through all my energy already.
The next time I woke up, my curtains had been drawn and the silence was welcoming. Refusing to ask for any further help I brought myself to sit on the edge of the bed. West was getting good at keeping freshwater ready for me, with some pain tablets on the side. Bringing myself to stand, the pain ran through me like a wave, but it was a little more bearable compared to last time.
What time is it?
Glancing around I couldn't see my phone anywhere, so I slowly made my way into the lounge. My two sofas looked tiny with both West and Rafe lay across them. That must be uncomfortable. The television was playing quietly in the background casting shadows around the room. Looking at the clock I see it's 06:10. Damn I slept for a long time again.
I turn on the coffee machine and head to the bathroom to freshen up. I hate how long such simple tasks are taking me. I'm stronger than this, but my body is telling me otherwise, and I don't want to push myself too hard. I need to shower or finally relax in that beautiful tub, but even I know it's not a good idea right now. I'll likely need someone awake just in case.
A knock sounds at the bathroom door.
"Hey Luna, you okay in there?" calls Rafe.
I open the door to see a sympathetic smile on his face. I don't need anybody's pity, but then he gently wraps his arms around me. Protecting me from the world around me and I can't stop my walls from crumbling, and the tears begin to fall. He holds me like that for what feels like forever, whilst I let my emotions takeover. I haven't cried since I was six years old, but so much has just happened in such a small amount of time that I just can't hold my emotions at bay.
Last Friday was the perfect day I'd wished for. I'd spent the day at Inked and headed for my first fight. They only way it could have been better would have been some hot sex afterwards but instead my life was tipped upside down.
Forced to join an Academy I had no care for, an Academy for the criminal underworld, and I knew we hadn't even scratched the surface with how dark this all was. Then to meet people who are breaking my walls so casually, forcing me to care, and making me enjoy the presence.
Then I get attacked by people who knew this world better than I did. I need to catch my breath.
Finally calming down I step back from Rafe, who wipes my face with his t-shirt like I'm still a little child, but I can't help the smile it brings me. I know there is a lot for me to learn, and there is a lot Rafe has held back, but I’m glad I can still feel safe in his company to relax my walls, even if only for a moment.
"Come sit, I'll make us something to eat," Rafe says, as he guides me into the kitchen.
He pulls a chair out and I see a cushion there ready for my bruised body. Fuck. I hate that he babies me, but I do appreciate these small gestures to help ease my pain.
"You want some eggs and bacon?"
"Rafe let's not ask silly questions, okay?" I respond, making him chuckle.
He pops a black coffee in front of me and proceeds to take over the space. I have so much to ask and I don't know where to start, and I'm sure he wants to know more too. Whilst he cooks away, I relax before we ultimately start grilling each other.
The smell of bacon soon takes over the room and has West walking into the kitchen. He doesn't say anything, he’s barely awake, if the drag of his feet or the wiping of his eyes is anything to go by. He just grabs a coffee and takes a seat at the table.
Rafe soon joins us with the food, and we all just devour the heavenly goodness before we bring ourselves up for air.
"So, I'm sure we all have a lot of questions and explanations between us, so where do you want to start Luna?" Rafe asks, as he sets the coffee machine going again.
Huh, I'd spent all this time thinking it over in my head, and I still had no idea.
"I guess I really need to understand what I'm expected to do here. I was literally taken out and told to know my place, but I have no idea what my place is supposed to be." I say, raising my hands to air quote ‘my place’ because I’m not buying into that shit.
I look between both of them, seeing as they both know much more than me.
"Featherstone Academy will expect you to leave here with your skillset heightened and with job leads that fall in line with your blood. Both mine and West's are best around weapons, just in different ways."
"Okay, so it's correct to assume you attended here too?" I ask. I know Rafe did, but I need to hear it from West.
"Yeah," West quietly responds, looking down at his hands.
"What outcome does Featherstone expect of me?"
"Well, because you have been given access to three bloodlines you will likely take on numerous jobs between what they offer to the organization," replies Rafe, placing a fresh coffee in front of me.
"So, for your father's bloodline it will always be to steal in some way. For your mothers, it'll refer to infiltrating legitimate businesses to benefit Featherstone or ensuring solid connection through bribery. Mine will likely be the worst, I'm afraid Luna. I never thought you would have to take my bloodline, and I would never have expected your mother to push this through. So it likely came from someone else higher up. With my bloodline death is always involved. I’m hoping they train you in my skill set but only as a defense to your other skills." He sighs.
We all remain silent with that hanging in the air for a moment.
"So, I'll be expected to kill people?" I ask, the words feeling foreign on my tongue.
Neither of them respond, and that answers my question. The shiver that runs down my spine is uncontrollable. Mulling that over I consider what that means. I could never bring myself to hurt innocent people, no matter what, but if I could get my hands on the people who did this to me I would likely kill them. I just know, deep down it would hurt my soul all the same.
"Is there any way out of this world for me? " I ask, wrapping my hands around my mug, needing the heat.
"I'm trying Luna, but this is higher up the food chain than I originally thought. I'm at a loss and I can't overrule The Ring, including our families. Someone wants you here Luna at all costs, I just don't know what for,” Rafe offers.
I thought we were in 2020, I thought we had freedom of choice, freedom of speech, but apparently that doesn't apply here.
"Okay, so I'm supposed to just g
o along with this, accept this is my life now?"
Rafe and West stare at each other, communicating with their eyes. It's clear I know nothing here and it isn't helping me that they are still considering keeping things from me.
"Can you not do that?” I slam my hand on the table, “I'm at a disadvantage already and I don't need you keeping any more secrets."
"It's not that Luna, this is bigger than all of us. There are so many rumors you can never really know the truth in this world. We don’t want to tell you too much too soon or tell you wasted lies.” This comes from West.
“Well, I think you need to tell me something to expect, fucking top tips, anything because I literally have nothing to go on, and the people attacking me know much more. They’ve gotten me once. I refuse to let them beat me twice.” My determination is clear, and I fucking mean it.
“Right, well a lot of the battles between the bloodlines are based around Totem, have you heard of him yet?” Rafe asks.
“His name came up in History yesterday.”
“Well he is the devil himself. He’s always wanted to control Featherstone as a whole and was never satisfied with the drips they fed him. Everyone knows he’s still out there but impossible to find, and even harder to kill it seems. The main rumor is that he has an heir, an heir willing to follow in his footsteps. Now of course they would never name that child Lopez. So if it is true, we do not know who they are, or even how old they may be.”
I nod in understanding, but I don’t really know what to say, likely because I don't truly know the extent of this man.
“In the same lesson they also mentioned something about Ace students having to compete in something called The Games and it’s mandatory?”
I have my response as soon as I mention the games and the color drains from both of their faces.
You ever asked a question, and regretted it the second the answer isn’t what you want it to be? This is mine. I think I would have rather been oblivious. I can’t bring myself to ask more about it right now.
“Okay then, how am I supposed to survive this world?”
“Luna, there are a lot of cold-hearted people here, who won’t think twice to do things you wouldn’t usually consider. You need to keep your wits about you, and they need to fear you by whatever means necessary, otherwise they’ll make you a toy.” West sighs.