My Bloodline (Featherstone Academy Series Book 1) Read online
Page 16
“Honestly, right now though, make them think you’re obeying their orders. Until we can figure out more details about what’s going on within The Ring. That’d also mean us keeping a distance still, because nobody knows of our connection,” he continues, running his hand through his messy hair.
“You’re asking me to not stand my ground and be true to myself West? You tell me they need to fear me, but you don’t want me to retaliate or show any dominance. On the other hand, I still haven’t forgiven you so keeping a distance won’t be hard at all.” I fume.
“I know Luna, but you really are going to get a lot thrown at you from the Academy itself, never mind other students.” He reaches over and clasps my hand, “I will help you wherever I can, okay?”
“I’ll try this your way, but the second I know for sure it isn’t working, we go back to my way,” I say, pulling my hand back. I can’t help the yawn that escapes.
“Is Dot still arriving today?” I’d completely forgotten.
“She is, but you’re joking if you think you’re going anywhere near her for the time being, Luna,” Rafe laughs at me.
Acehole. No, Asshole. Wait? He was an Ace, so he damn well is an Acehole.
Dot will make me feel tons better, although right now I wouldn’t be able to lift my leg over.
“How long will you be staying for?” I ask them both.
“I’ll be leaving tomorrow as long as everything is okay here, is that alright?” Rafe asks and I nod in response, looking to West.
“I’ll head out for a while if that’s okay, then I’ll come back when Rafe is leaving.”
It’s not a question but he’s asking.
“We’ll see how I am, I don’t need to be coddled.”
West smiles and starts to gather his things whilst I raise to my feet and prepare to go and lay back down, I’m tired again and the sleep will help my body heal.
I’m almost to my door when a question touches my lips.
“Hey guys, what’s with Parker not being allowed his surname? What’s the other bloodline for Ace?”
Rafe shakes his head, “Honestly Luna, it’s better no one knows because if that boy finds out before he’s privileged, his father will kill him before the sun rises the next day.”
The shock that washes over my body has me believing every word, and it makes my stomach turn.
This isn’t the catch up I envisioned, let’s not do this again anytime soon.
I’ve been sitting with my front door open for hours, waiting for him to leave. West left a few hours ago but I wasn’t interested in what he had to say. It’s midafternoon when her front door finally opens, and he shuts it behind him quietly, which tells me she is sleeping.
When he finally turns around, he stops at my presence, but the look in his eyes tells me he’s not surprised to see me. I don’t stand, I just hold my hands out in question. He raises his eyebrow at me, forcing me to push, Luna must have picked it up off him too.
“Fine,” I sigh, “Did you ever consider giving me a heads up? I was having Kai run checks on her and we kept coming up with nothing, I assume that is because of you? I thought there was an imposter.”
A simple nod is all I get.
“Does she have any idea what she’s walked into here?”
“No Roman, she doesn’t, and if we tell her too much all at once she’ll snap, she needs baby steps okay?”
“Have you not seen the state she is in? Nobody around here gives a fuck what she needs and you’re leaving her blind-sided,” I fume, he’s so fucking stupid.
“Roman, I’m warning you. You keep your mouth shut, this is more than all of us and you damn well know it. I trained her with everything, gave her all the skills she will need.”
“All the skills Rafe? What about her fucking mind? What about how you feel after you kill someone for the first time? Or that fact that she’ll have to continue to do so to save herself, huh? This is going to blacken her soul just like the rest of us.” I growl through my teeth.
He looks to the ceiling, like he might find some answers there, but he fucking won’t.
He can’t answer me, because he knows I’m right, but there is nothing any of us can do about it. Not yet anyway.
“She needs to rest right now. A lot will be going on with your skill-based assignments in the next few weeks. That’ll be hard enough for everybody, but it will hopefully take some of the heat off her. For now, that’s all we can do.”
He means do nothing.
I nod in understanding.
He holds a moment then makes to take the stairs, but I call him before he leaves, having him glance back at me.
“Is that really her? Meu Tesouro?” my voice barely above a whisper, memories floating in my mind.
“Yeah, she likely won’t remember though, she doesn’t remember West. When she saw her father die Roman, she locked those first six years of her sweet life, away. I see her shut herself down when a memory tries to float to the surface, it causes her a lot of pain. So, don’t expect her to remember that you were chasing her around even as babies okay?” He lightly chuckles, trying to make light of the situation.
I close my door without responding.
When Rafe stormed in yesterday, I’d already pieced it together, with West being in her room and the mention of Rafe being on the phone to her. Assholes had kept more secrets than they let on.
When she first arrived, I was scared she may have been Totem’s heir. Three bloodlines were crazy enough for it. It was made worse when we got nothing on our background check.
Then Parker floated to her like a moth to a flame, and he’s our best judge of character, but now, now I knew.
Meu Tesouro, her father always called her, his treasured one, and I remember from such a small age that she was my treasure too. Shaking my head, I push the memory away. If she refuses to acknowledge anything from that time it’ll do me no good to accidentally say the wrong thing.
I just can’t believe it. They said she was dead. Gone with her father, yet she’s sleeping across the hall from me right now.
Needing to take my mind off everything, I send a message to the group chat with the boys, looking for a sparring partner. They all respond quickly, seems we’re all on edge with things at the minute.
I only wish there was a chance it would get easier.
The weekend goes too quickly, probably because I spend so much of it sleeping, but it was definitely for the best. Even though the bruising hasn’t eased much the pain is a lot more bearable.
Rafe left on Saturday evening, giving my keys for Dot to West, to make sure I didn’t go riding before I should. Assholes. It didn’t stop me going down to the garage to check her over. Seems someone else in Ace had a thing for bikes too, seeing as there was a Suzuki Hayabusa parked in the garage too. The speed of that thing had me leaning towards Oscar, he seemed the craziest.
I refused to let West continue to stay, I can take care of myself. If they wanted to keep it low key that I knew him, then it’d be better if he wasn’t seen staying, especially as he’s a tutor. I just had to check in every five fucking minutes but at least it got him out of my hair.
He’d also encouraged me to reach out to Jake, he’d been bombarding both Rafe and West with questions about me, but I didn’t really know what I was supposed to say to him. Jake isn’t high up the list of my priorities.
The guys and Red had popped in and out, always coming together to save me the effort of constantly getting up. It feels strange, other people caring. I don’t know what it is about these guys, but it feels like my soul needs them, and it’s clear I might need their help surviving this place.
Everyone encouraged me to take longer to recover but come Monday I was dressed and ready to go. I refused to apply any make-up, even though the guidelines actually come with a section on covering bruises, like it’s completely natural. I want them t
o see their damage, and I want them to see I’m not afraid to hide. As much as Rafe wants me to hold back, I won’t completely lose myself to a fake persona. How is the worst part of all this, still having to wear these stupid heels?
Red came by early this morning, and we enjoyed breakfast together in peace. A knock at the door tells me the guys are here and we need to get going.
“Are you sure this is a good idea?” she asks, again.
“Red, I’m not spending another day in this room, okay?” I sigh, fed up with having to repeatedly answer the same question.
She raises her hands in surrender with a guilty look on her face, before opening the door. I don’t let them hover long enough to try and step inside, because they’ll likely join Red’s tactics and force me to stay here.
Oscar tentatively wraps his arm around my shoulder, leading me to the elevator. No one says a word until the lift closes behind us. Roman goes to open his mouth but Red interrupts.
“Don’t bother, I already tried. I think If one of us asks her to stay here again, her brain might explode.” She’s saying it to the guys but looking at me.
I offer her a smile in thanks. She might not agree with me, but she’ll stand by me no matter what. It’ll be interesting to see if the guys do too.
Roman stares me down, and I hold my gaze right back at him. Eventually he releases a sigh and offers me a small nod. The tension I was holding in my shoulders relaxes. He would have put up the biggest argument, so I’m glad it was avoided.
Kai steps in front of me and gently cups my chin.
“Whatever you need Sakura, just say the word,” he murmurs, and kisses my forehead. I love his delicate touches.
Oscar offers me a squeeze, with his arm still around my shoulder.
“We got you baby girl.”
I roll my eyes, ready to explain to him exactly how independent I am.
“Luna, we know you don’t need us, before you start your lecture. Just humor us, okay?” Parker says with a slight grin on his face. Pleased with himself because he can read me so well.
“Fine,” I say, giving him the stink eye and sticking out my tongue.
The elevator doors open to a surprisingly quiet lobby, even the guys are glancing around for Wren and her puppets. Linking my arm through Red’s we head for the exit, my pace slows as we near the glass doors.
“What the…” Oscar murmurs behind me, as we all take in the sight outside.
I step outside, to see the entire student body standing nervously around the water feature, all crammed in. With Wren in the center, her bitches and a few guys I recognize from Diamond with her, including Tyler from the last combat class.
Red squeezes my arm tightly, as I feel one of the guys step up to my other side. I hold my hand out though, to stop them from going any further. I wanna see what this smug bitch thinks she’s going to achieve here.
“I’ll lay them all out Princess, with pleasure,” Roman murmurs. I should have known it’d be him to step up for a battle first, but I refuse to move my gaze from Wren’s.
“I know, but we need to be smarter, not that it’ll be too hard. Now just isn’t the right time.”
Before he can respond, Wren starts clapping.
“Guys and girls, I gathered you all here today, to show you what it looks like when a whore doesn’t know her place. Please take a look at exhibit number one,” she says grinning at me. I can feel hundreds of eyes taking in my bruised face and legs, but nobody utters a word.
I loosen Red’s grip on my arm and push her behind me toward Roman as I step forward. I can feel the guys burning holes in the back of my head, not wanting me to get close to her, but that’s just not who I am.
I stop about a meter away from her. I can see it in her eyes, she’s surprised I’ve taken her on and not shied away, but it’ll take a little more than assault to truly break me.
“Exhibit one, is what someone looks like after some sly fuckers outnumber you, and jump you in the dark,” I say, looking around the crowd.
Tyler goes to step towards me, but Wren holds him back.
“As long as you learned your place, whore,” he growls at me, and I can’t help but snicker.
Oscar doesn’t find it funny though, as he steps up beside me and places his hand on my shoulder.
“I suggest you keep your dog on a leash Wren, wouldn’t want me to have to put him down now, would we?” he sneers, pure venom etched into his words.
“Fuck off Oscar. Put your bitch in her cage, or worse will come,” Wren spits out, before turning and climbing into the closest Rolls.
Everyone is silently taking in what just went down. Her little puppets climb into a nearby SUV and sped off, but the Rolls doesn’t move, because it’s waiting for someone else to get in too. I look at the driver and it’s Ian.
“Ian, if you don’t take her alone, someone won’t make it to the destination, do you understand?” I say honestly.
“Of course, Miss Steele. I’ll be back as quickly as I can.” I offer a nod in thanks, and turn to face the crowd that’s still lingering.
“Shows over people,” I say, and everyone is quick to disperse.
Glancing back to Red and the guys, I see they’re all standing waiting for whatever I say next.
“Oscar, can you make sure Red gets in an SUV safely, without any assholes please? Then we can get to Combat,” I ask.
Red’s gaze lingers a moment longer, making sure I’m ok. I’m a fucking Ace.
I take one step into Combat and Maverick’s eyes bug out of his head.
“Oh, fuck no. You’re not sparing on my watch. Forget it. Rafe will murder me,” he shouts, which just riles me up.
“Have you always been such a pussy, Maverick?” I ask, goading him.
“Luna Steele, you’ve got Rafe’s mouth on you for sure, but I’ll be damned if you think you’re getting in a ring this week,” he says, before turning to address the rest of the class.
I’m standing here, gawking at his back. This was my piece of normality for the day, what the hell?
“Come on Princess. I’ll let you punch the shit out of me on the mats in the corner, okay?” Roman asks, as he strolls past me heading for the corner he just mentioned.
I could fucking kiss him. So I pick up my pace to get to his side, stalling his steps to plant a quick kiss on his lush lips.
“You’re gonna hit back though, right?” I ask excitedly, but he just shakes his head at me.
“Don’t push it Princess, or I’ll leave you over here alone,” he warns, with his eyebrow raised at me.
“Fine. Acehole,” I sulk.
“What was that?” He asks with a grin on his face.
“Nothing. It was nothing,” I squeal in response, walking in front to get away from him.
How embarrassing.
The next week passed by in a blur. I spent the days sitting in classes with tutors pretending not to see my injuries, and my spare time with Red and the guys. I’d never felt this close to a group of people before. I was getting too used to them being around. I felt like I was waiting for the other shoe to drop, but it hadn’t yet. I was learning more about them every day.
How Roman was the leader of the group, always taking on everyone’s troubles, especially mine and Parker's. He was all Alpha and I loved it. To the outside world he was a wall of arrogance, but the care and attention he gave in private had me addicted. Always willing to give me what I needed, even if it was a rough sparring session.
Oscar was all about a good time, however it came, and he didn’t shut the fuck up. Although his mouth didn’t get him into trouble much, for now. His fun attitude is infectious. I don’t think I’ve laughed this hard, and so often in a long time. He brings out a side of me even I’m not familiar with.
Kai is so smart, but quiet. Sometimes too quiet, I can see loss in his eyes occasionally, but I don’t want to ask. He is beyond observant,
it seems he always knows what I want before I do myself. I could sit in his company for ours, and when he did offer me one of his rare smiles, it warmed my soul.
Parker, when he wasn’t lost in his head, was the gentlest of souls. The shine that surrounded him, full of hope, was addicting and I wanted to bask in it. His physique did not match his soul. It was as if his body had transformed to match what Featherstone wanted but his soul had remained the same.
Red was starting to live up to her nickname. In private she was all fiery and willing to stand her ground with the guys if they disagreed on anything. Her sunshine vibe rubbed off on them too, making them protective of her as well. She was my biggest supporter, and I made sure I was hers. It blew my mind how she had changed, I just needed her to have that confidence in public.
By Friday I was ready to kick back and relax. We’d been given a few assignments this week, almost like this was a legitimate place. I’d tried to keep on top of them so I could spend the weekend relaxing.
I was fucking pissed that West and Rafe still refused to hand over the keys to Dot. I’d pleaded and screamed at them so much my throat hurt, and it didn’t get me anywhere. I was so frustrated, so I planned to spend the weekend in the gym and practicing with my ink kits. With only Business and B.I.C.E today I’m even happier with an early finish for the weekend.
Sitting in the back of the Rolls, like it was completely natural now with Kai. I was relaxed while I could be. Kai had argued with the others that he had the most calming influence on me, so he should get to ride with me. I don’t know how he got them to agree, but I’m not complaining.
“You heard Parker’s word of the day yet?” he asked.
I can’t help but smile, since I’d mentioned it, he was addicted to telling everyone his new words and their dirty meanings. It was brilliant, even if everyone else thought I was a bad influence.